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Monday, February 26, 2018

Growing body of research rejects transgender movement

Is Caitlyn Jenner a woman? A growing body of research from scientists, philosophers and feminists says no.

The latest contribution to the debate is “When Harry Became Sally,” a just-released book by Heritage Foundation senior research fellow Ryan T. Anderson, who critiques the transgender movement on the grounds of metaphysics, medicine and public policy.

Contrary to the transgender movement’s central claim — that “gender identity” determines whether someone is a man, a woman or something else — Mr. Anderson said the only rationale for determining an organism’s sex is “by that organism’s organization with respect to sexual reproduction.”

“Apart from that, all you have are sex stereotypes,” Mr. Anderson said Wednesday at a Heritage Foundation gathering. “There’s no other objective standard for identifying the sex of an individual.”

Human beings are a “sexually dimorphic species,” with complementary reproductive systems that are either male or female, Mr. Anderson said. One’s sex is evident in DNA, can be tracked in the womb and manifests itself “in many of our bodily systems and organs all the way down to the molecular level.”

People with gender dysphoria are suffering, Mr. Anderson said, and as many as 41 percent of those who identify as transgender will try to commit suicide at some point in their lives.

“It’s important that our response to them be one of compassion and respect for their struggle,” he said. “But we also need to beware of the harm that activists are doing by promoting their ideology.”

The greatest harm perpetrated by the transgender movement is on children, Mr. Anderson said.

He identified a four-part standard of care that transgender activists recommend to bring both body and society into alignment with a child’s identity after gender dysphoria is diagnosed.


  1. Well deny the truth of the word and it wont work out as they planned. Satan of course loves this idea.

  2. "What a shocking find!" - said no sane person ever.

  3. Jenner still has male plumbing, therefore he is a freak, I mean a male.

  4. You are either a man or a woman or you are queer.

  5. There was a time in this country that transgenders, or What Ever TF they are called, would have been institutionalized for acting like Bruce Jenner. As a matter of fact, they probably would have ended up with a lobotomy.

  6. The author is unaware (or pretends to be unaware) that the attack on Family (Sex) is a Globalist Agenda (Communist).
    The purpose is to destroy Christian Culture and induct society into a Satanic Cult.
    Its roots are in Zionist Political Movements which starred long before WWI (Balfour Declaration).

    Good is bad, ugly is beautiful, up is down, evil is good, war is peace, so on.
    This agenda is massive and will be successful.
    Be prepared for the collapse of society and the economy.
    The Globalists are BANKING FAMILIES.

  7. 2:55 time to bring back the treatment for the subversive illness. The popularity has been promoted by adversaries of the West to degrade and diminish morality.


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