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Monday, February 26, 2018

Russia Tested ‘Over 200 New Weapons’ in Syria: MP

Russia has tested over 200 new types of arms in Syria during its campaign in support of President Bashar al-Assad, a senior lawmaker said Thursday, as Moscow was accused of taking part in airstrikes against rebel-held Eastern Ghouta.

“As we helped the brotherly Syrian people, we tested over 200 new types of weapons,” said Vladimir Shamanov, a former commander of Russia’s airborne troops who now serves as head of the Russian Duma’s defense committee.

“It’s not an accident that today they are coming to us from many directions to purchase our weapons, including countries that are not our allies,” he said.

“Today our military-industrial complex made our army look in a way we can be proud of,” he said.

Russia, a close ally of the Syrian government in the protracted multi-front war, has been accused of indiscriminate bombing throughout the conflict causing massive casualties.


1 comment:

  1. Russia is 100% right to support Assad. I'm not saying he is a saint but elements in our government planned the fall of Libya and Syria. It wasn't because their leaders were worse than any of the other dictators our government is allied with. The powers that be decided years ago that they would fall on schedule. Anyone who replaces them are NWO patsies.


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