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Monday, February 26, 2018

DACA Illegal Alien: ‘I’m Going to Shoot All of Ya B*tches’

An illegal alien shielded from deportation by the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program was arrested after allegedly threatening a school shooting in upstate New York.

On Friday, Rochester Deputy Mayor Dr. Cedric Alexander and Deputy Chief La’Ron Singletary announced that 21-year-old DACA illegal alien Abigail Hernandez had been arrested by the Rochester Police Department after allegedly threatening East High School with a school shooting, according to 13WHAM.

“I’m coming tomorrow morning and I’m going to shoot all of ya bitches,” Hernandez allegedly wrote on the East High School Facebook page, using a fake social media account.



  1. 21 and still in Hs?

  2. I'm so sick of hearing about DACA. The FACTS are if obama and the democrats really cared about them they could have done something permanent for them. The 1st 2yrs of the Kenyan's Skid Mark's presidency congress was held by the democrats. They could have done something then. Just like gun control. They could have passed gun control legislation after gun control legislation. The democrats did nothing. This because they are useless garbage who need crisis to win elections since nothing they have ever done has been positive. The democrat voters themselves piss poor examples of human beings are the dumbest species to ever walk the face of the earth so continue to vote for them.

    1. President Trump was set up by Obama that's why.

  3. Lol you claim Dems are just using Parkland to go after your guns. I find it hilarious how ypu guys will use any crime committed by an illegal as a case for your wall.

    1. I find it hilarious that you actually used the word “illegal” in an attempt to argue your point. Go back to the basement.

    2. 1031 so you support what the illegal alien did?! Wall just got 8ft taller. #mega.

    3. Maybe you can find it even more hilarious in Mexico or Argentina. They would love to have someone who things everything is funny.

  4. Deport her. Not only has she demonstrated a violent streak but she violated the terms of her DACA approval.

  5. Schedule the deportation - immediately!

  6. @10:31
    Think for a minute what you posted "crime committed by an illegal as a case for your wall"....seems like a pretty good case for it to me......moron!!

  7. Looks like she has no problem finding where the cafeteria is.

  8. "Anonymous said...

    Lol you claim Dems are just using Parkland to go after your guns. I find it hilarious how ypu guys will use any crime committed by an illegal as a case for your wall.

    February 26, 2018 at 10:31 AM"

    LOL all you want. That's the problem with you dumbed down products of the US public "education" system. I haven't claimed at all that the democrats are using Parkland to go after guns. The truth of the matter is and if you weren't such an ignoramus you would understand is they can't go after guns. It's only an illusion that if it weren't for the NRA/GOP we wouldn't have guns. It's a thing called the Constitution blocking their way. Oh you ignoramuses fall for their BS when they blame it on the Republicans but that's not the case. The democrats need dead children to win elections. Facts are facts and you people hate facts. They need something to blame Republicans for to win since a democrat dead or alive has not ever contributed anything positive to society. Democrats are not only intellectual inferior they are lacking in any and all morals. They create illusions and you ignoramuses fall for it every time. Just like the illusion created by obama and holder and embraced by democrats that put the gun in Cruz's hands. Reduce the school to prison pipeline. Instead of arresting violent students they ignore them then tell you ignoramuses they's lowered the numbers and being so dumb you people fall for it. Democrats are all around horrid nasty people. They called themselves nasty and it is the truth.

    1. Why do you feel you can only get your point across by insulting people. Dumbed down - you like that one. You are the only one that is dumbed down. You probably go to Salisbury university because no one else would accept you. You can't possibly be from the Eastern Shore because your attitude is more like District of Columbia - elite with no brains.

  9. Doesn't have to threaten. As the good president would say "look at that face". Scare little children.

  10. 21 year old 9th. grader?
    Got a real brain here, she could be too smart for the FBI to even handle!

  11. If I looked like that I would not blame the police, it's all on the parents fault, they should have tried a little harder

  12. Just from the photo of her face I can state that she would have a rather difficult time climbing a wall.
    It sickens me to think that my hard earned money goes to put more food in her mouth.

  13. Don't need a wall for her. She couldn't climb over a 4 foot fence.


  14. Illegal aliens, regardless of how they arrived, should get one free deportation.

    If they are found after that, just make it a slam dunk 10 year sentence for the non-violent, and 20 years for the violent ones.

    Will save playing whack-a-mole with them.

    1. No then we would have to cloth feed them and put a roof over their heads. If they come back put them on a boat to North Korea - no food their.

  15. Fat, ugly, stupid, illegal. And that's what democrats want to protect, so they can become Democrat voters. Fat, ugly, stupid Democrat voters. That's the best kind for Democrat leaders.


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