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Thursday, February 08, 2018

FBI Text Messages Imply Obama's Involvement in Clinton Probe

Found in a new batch of released text messages between FBI agents is an exchange that reveals that then-President Barack Obama wanted "to know everything we're doing," Fox News is reporting.

That exchange has piqued the suspicion of Senate investigators who now want to know Obama's level of involvement with the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server and exposed emails, Fox reports.

FBI agent Peter Strzok sent the text to FBI attorney Lisa Page on Sept. 2, 2016, about having to prep then-FBI Director James Comey because "POTUS wants to know everything we're doing," Fox reported.



  1. and the democrats are lying again. They are trying to claim what they were referring to was the Clinton email investigation was what the Kenyan Skid Mark wanted to know about. That was OVER in July 2016. This text was after that-Sept 2016. It was about the "insurance" policy to try and destroy President Trump. Of course the democrats all being liars and ignoramuses will never admit this and/or understand. The ONLY thing they didn't lie about was when they called themselves nasty. Nasty is the truth-they are nasty all liars and not an honest bone in their rank putrid bodies.

  2. These texts. This is true. They gave "President" obama (kenyan) what "he?" Wanted (trans?). Yes, this is their master plan- a 12 million person infiltration unit encouraged by the liberals, known as the Mindless Ones. This is nothing new- they have done this since the pres-historic times. However, only now, with the rise of the cell-phone addicted liberals (brainwashed by signals), who have a stunted pre-frontal cortex, this has enabled the shapeshifters to overtake the real ones. Thank God for Trump as the last "President" was part of their master plan. Obama has been sent to the dust bens of history!!

  3. Obama warned Commie that if anything was found to cause the arrest of Hillary, he could end up like Vince Foster!

  4. 342
    Why don't you break it on down for us?

    You touched on several completely separate topics in the short paragraph. Maybe you can focus your thoughts on one topic?


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