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Thursday, February 08, 2018

195 Acres Protected in Washington County; Youth Fishing Rodeos Scheduled

The Board of Public Works unanimously approved two Maryland Department of Natural Resources items today that will permanently protect 195 acres in Washington County through the department’s Rural Legacy andConservation Reserve Enhancementpermanent easement programs.

The two easements will complete the protection of the entire Pleasant Valley Livestock, LLC property in Smithsburg.

“The department leveraged its long-standing partnership with Washington County to permanently conserve and preserve this pristine land and waterway,” Maryland Natural Resources Secretary Mark Belton said. “Our easements will cover productive and working farmland, streamside forests, natural areas and wetlands, and safeguard the viewshed and water quality.”

The Rural Legacy Program easement protects 105 acres of cultivated fields, farm operation and homestead areas, while the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program easement protects the remaining 89 acres of forested slopes and stream valley corridor.

Together, these programs, with the assistance of Program Open Space, will enhance stream buffers on Little Antietam Creek and protect wildlife habitat.


  1. Part of the agenda to "re-wild the land".
    Bottom line: Government owns all of the land.
    There is no private property in a Communist Society.

    Hint: Think real estate tax

  2. This is the worst thing that can happen to property in Maryland.

    Just remember that Josh Hastings works for the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy and they like to buy property and put it to where you can never build on it and then you are stuck having to live in shitty cities like Salisbury. I take that back you are forced to live in shitty cities like Salisbury.

    Keep this in mind, Josh Hastings is a Fruit Loop, lying Democrat and he is the only one that has registered to run for District 4 which is John Hall's current seat. I'm being told the Republican Central Committee has no plans to even find anyone Conservative to run for that seat.

    Also, keep in mind it is your election to lose.


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