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Thursday, February 08, 2018

California can’t force Christian baker to make same-sex wedding cakes

A California judge refused this week to order a baker to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple, ruling that to do otherwise would be to trample on the baker’s free speech rights.

Superior Court Judge David R. Lampe said in his Monday ruling that wedding cakes run to the core of the First Amendment.

“It is an artistic expression by the person making it that is to be used traditionally as a centerpiece in the celebration of a marriage. There could not be a greater form of expressive conduct,” the judge wrote.

His decision contrasts with a ruling out of Colorado, where a court ruled that a baker could not refuse to bake for a same-sex couple, arguing the state’s public accommodation law trumped that baker’s First Amendment claims. That case is now before the U.S. Supreme Court.



  1. Wisely said, Judge.

  2. Finally a judge sticking to the letter of the law

  3. Common sense? In California? This story has to be fake.

  4. I bet everybody and their brother in California are now looking to get rid of this just for not having leftist ideals. I wouldn't be surprised if they give him the boot.

  5. Finally a Judge with the guts to honor the Constitutional Rights of an American citizen...Thank You Your Honor!!!!

  6. If it’s against the business owners morals and beliefs, they should have the right to turn down the job. There’s plenty of other bakeries out there, who would be willing to do so.

    If I owned a bakery, I’d have no problem making a cake for a gay wedding.I just don’t care. But there’s no way in hell I’d make a “black lives matter” or “Islam is wonderful “ cake.

  7. Really really simple for the rest of you Bakers out there.
    If they ask you to make them a cake, then make a cake.
    A TERRIBLE cake.
    Give it to them for regular price and smile.


  8. If it were me, I would quietly make them a cake they will never forget. Heck, the nurses in the ER wouldn't forget it either.

  9. Must not be one of Barry's judges.

  10. No business owner should be told to do anything, it's your business, you run it, you know what you have to do to make it sucessful, you take the risks.Government needs to keep out unless you are injuring people physically -goverment mind your own buisness, it's a mess and needs attention. Judge did the right thing.


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