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Thursday, February 08, 2018

Avid hunter gets both feet, 9 fingers amputated after flu complications

A hunting enthusiast who started out with the flu ended up with both of his feet and nine fingers amputated.

Brian Herndon of Fort Worth, Texas, was told he had pneumonia when his fever spiked on Jan. 4, according to a report in the Star-Telegram.

But just one day later, doctors told the family that Brian's pneumonia had combined with this year's flu virus and he was already in septic shock.

Physicians knew they had to amputate when they couldn’t detect a pulse in either of their patient's feet. The 51-year-old had developed disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, a condition that creates clots and affects blood flow.



  1. Joe, I know this isn't related, but the west side of Salisbury is blacked out. I was wondering if you know anything about this. Almost a half an hour so far.

    A loyal reader!

  2. The Texas man story is very scary. I guess it can happen to anyone. I do hope he makes it. The flu is nasty.

  3. What the heck are we dealing with
    with this Flu? I never heard of
    such things happening.

  4. He had the weaponized influenza which is produced in Laurel MD


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