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Thursday, February 08, 2018

Meanwhile While Man Steals Purse...


  1. How about this why dont our thugs who are obviously in that area beat the sht out of him hes always hanging around there with his tight pants and lets see if he will report it just a thought

  2. Take a Noon walk in the park Mayor.....


  3. Where's Ernie?

    Today's letter is M for Mugger.

  4. Only 4 comments?? How sad!

  5. Anonymous said...
    How about this why dont our thugs who are obviously in that area beat the sht out of him hes always hanging around there with his tight pants and lets see if he will report it just a thought

    February 8, 2018 at 1:24 PM

    Maybe he wants to get raped by those thugs and that is why he wears his skinny jeans. I heard he likes it deep. To bad Jermichael Mitchell can't help him out in that department.

  6. Hey Douche Bag Boi Mare when are you going to get rid of the dude running your Po Po Department and appoint retired MSP Trooper Krah Plunkert to run that run down agency. Then after a couple of months you may be able to say for a fact that "Crime is down."

  7. Anonymous said...
    Hey Douche Bag Boi Mare when are you going to get rid of the dude running your Po Po Department and appoint retired MSP Trooper Krah Plunkert to run that run down agency. Then after a couple of months you may be able to say for a fact that "Crime is down."

    February 9, 2018 at 5:39 AM

    Krah Plunkert would do a good job, but I couldn't support him if he doesn't clean house. Many of those rude ass officers and rude dispatchers that answer the phone.

  8. In the Salisbury Independent this is quoted by Jack Heath.
    During past meetings, Heath has opposed $50,000, calling it too low.

    “I liken it to the business world. I was asked by one of the councilmen what the salary would be for a CEO with a $58 million company (the city’s annual budget). It would be between $65,000 and $80,000 depending on the company,” he said.

    You liken it to the business world? What dumb councilman asked that dumb question because the Mayor is not a CEO that runs a $58 million company. Jake Day hired and inexperienced community organizer that has absolutely no experience running a city. Then the idiot hires TWO inexperienced deputy administrators with NO EXPERIENCE running a city. The additional deputy administrator was hired because he/she was going to be responsible the Folk Festival. A couple of weeks later Jake Day hires some clown working at the Wicomico Day Center to run the National Folk Festival. I don't know about you, but how can a part-time employee working in a daycare center with kiddy's know how to run a large National Folk Festival.

    You see Jackie Man, this is why Jake Day doesn't deserve a pay raise. He knew going into the job that it was a part-time mayor's position so again he should only get part-time pay. As a matter of fact, he should donate his current pay to some of the city council members because they are the ones that are underpaid.

  9. Take a long walk around Riverwalk without the fence you had taken down. Slip while taking a selfie maybe then you will see the light. Let's see another selfie while talking about how robberies and murder are down it's so safe to be in "your city" I can't wait for the Festival the whole east coast will know what a failure you are the word will spread hopefully being covered by National News stations and papers. Are you ever going to come to your senses you are the worst mayor we have ever had, your parents probably hide in their home, to be so disgraced.


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