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Sunday, February 04, 2018

It's Time To Clear The Air

Anonymous said...

Why don't you start a business with good paying jobs, Joe. You say you have all this money and experience. Put up or shut up.

Anonymous said...

Calling your readers "idiots", "stupid", and "dummy". What a way to run a news blog.

OK, let's clear the air on a couple things right here and now. First of all, I did own a huge manufacturing and distribution company that created and employed thousands of people. I also owned a chain of upscale billiard rooms as well as a restaurant and bar. I took ALL of the risks, did not depend on banks and was blessed to be able to afford to retire at 40 years old. While a select few enjoy coming here to challenge anything I say, I walked the walk. I also ran for Mayor of Salisbury and put my money where my mouth is. Win, lose or draw, yes, you will be called an Idiot for challenging me and looking so stupid.

That being said, let's talk about the second anonymous comment. At this very second as I write this I have 140,887 comments in SPAM. I spend my retirement working on this Blog 365 days a year. While it takes a tremendous amount of time reading tons of articles each and every day and choosing what should or shouldn't get published, I also have to sit here moderating around 600 to 800 comments every single day, most of which you never see and do not know just what kind of crap I have to read. Personal attacks against my Wife, our Grandson and our children. Racist comments like there's no tomorrow.

I have published 1,029,245 comments and Lord only knows just how many we have simply rejected/deleted. Blogger doesn't give us those numbers. So take a moment to try to understand that there are a select and small group of people who make it their mission hundreds of times per day to send in very hateful comments in the hope one of their hateful, racist or personal attack comments will get through. Pretty sick, right?

Nevertheless, I have also been sued and the Good Ol' Boys have done everything in their powers to shut me down. Not long ago a man came up to me and said, I heard you run a hateful Blog attacking people. I got right in his face, (as I've simply had enough of this kind of crap) and said, YOU tell me what I ever said to hurt you personally! He replied, what does that have to do with anything. I replied, I think I'll spend the rest of my time telling everyone here how YOU are a hateful person and you run a crooked business. He instantly got angry and said, why would you do that. I replied, well, what makes what you said any different! Have I ever done anything wrong to you, NO! YOU have NO RIGHT spreading rumors about people when they've never done anything wrong to YOU. He fully respected my position at that point and so should ALL of YOU. 

It's easy to run around saying bad things about people. What I do here is deliver factual and documented information. Now, a select few may not like being exposed but too bad, I tell the truth. I've stood up in court far too often fighting against people in powerful positions claiming I did or said something wrong, they LIED and that FACT was proven in court. Did your local media follow up on those lies, NO. 

Bottom line, if you don't like what I do and deliver every single day, go away. If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times. No one has a gun to your head to come here. All you have to do is look at our header and see we have experienced over 59,000,000 hits. I don't give a crap how others want to challenge our numbers, I do not lie. I am the biggest local news source on the entire Shore, period. Others can call themselves leaders or matters, one individual, (me) is up against hundreds of employees and I'm kicking their A$$. I don't have to have advertising rates in the thousands of dollars to help local businesses. Those advertisers are paying for helicopters, ($300.00 an hour to fly in fuel alone), drones and Idiots standing at 5:00 AM in complete darkness to do a story from Cambridge. 

So if you don't like me making some of the statements I do, walk in my shoes every day and know there are hundreds of thousands of stupid comments I reject each and every day and yes, sometimes I get sick and tired of dealing with their crap. Enough said. 


  1. Hey Joe: I don’t mean to change the subject but Wicomico County is advertising for a new Firector of Corrections $65,534-$98,085. What happened to George Kaloroakis?

  2. Go, Joe. You have improved our lives by exposing corruption, greed, and holding politicians and Good ‘Ol Boys accountable. I don’t agree with everything you say, but I totally appreciate all you do!

  3. You give us truth with attitude.Keep on keeping on Mr.Albero.

  4. How about that girl's murder your billiards bar was responsible for? Tell us about that Joe. Or maybe you can spin another lie about why you are nothing but a high school dropout? We'd love to hear the spin on those stories.

  5. Joe just keep on doing what you've been doing for all these years. Some people are ignorant, there are those who are always going to run their mouth about you and what you do but I really do appreciate the truth and know that I can come to this site and there will be no BS about whatever information you may be putting out there. Keep up the good work, it's appreciated in this house.

  6. Ignore them all Joe. On another note I’m a little pissed off. I see where SFD is hiring a new fire inspector. I work for a large local contractor. Why is the city duplicating a service that the county already provided. The county fire Marshall’s were some of the best we dealt with in the mid Atlantic area. The city promoted a fire fighter to fire Marshall now they’re hiring a new fire inspector. How much money are they gonna spend for something that was already being done by the county. A good friend of mine is a city cop. He’s the one that told me about this. Cops can’t get a raise to equal other departments but the city can add all these positions that aren’t even needed. I don’t get it.

  7. GIVE THEM HELL JOE... I appreciate a place to speak my mind and read what's really going on around this area. I don't agree with everything or everyone but we all don't think the same. Keep up the hard work...

  8. 7:01, Another big mouth Idiot who loves to spread rumors and lies.

    After being in business for several years we chose to close the billiard room on Sunday's and Monday's. There just wasn't enough business on those days to remain open.

    That being said, a young woman and her friends were in an ADJASON parking lot, (First Virginia Bank) on an evening we were closed. A drug deal gone bad, they pulled away and someone shot through the back window of the car and struck the young woman in the head, she died.

    When the 911 call went into the Police they asked the Officers to respond to the First Virginia Bank. They instantly replied, where's that. The response was, "next to Crofton Billiards".

    So Mr. Anonymous Idiot, know what you speak of before you spread LIES. We were the landmark, that's all there is to it.

    See what I mean people. I let that comment through because I am not, nor will I ever be, afraid to tell the TRUTH. It's these Idiots who go around spreading lies and I'm pretty confident you know who the main Idiot with his own Blog is. He has a mental obsession over me, a man crush you might say. He's the kind of scum who you can tell anything and he'll just spread the rumor for the fun of it. If you sue him, he has nothing to go after.

    If you ever want the truth about something you've ever heard about me you are welcome to call me directly at 410-430-5349 and remember, I always have documents to prove it.

  9. Kiiiod, Joe, don't sugar coat it! We can take the raw truth. Just tell it like it is, LOL!

  10. Joe - you provide a valuable service that so many of us count on. To your point, if someone doesn't like the blog - move on. Obviously they are hypocrites because they keep coming back, so in reality - how offended are they really? Just a bunch of whiners and complainers that should be ignored and spammed. Keep up the great work! You have tons of fans!

  11. Thank you for your blog and honesty in reporting the news. It is a shame a few jealous liars, racists & evil people would like to shut down your website. Please keep up the great work..it is the only source we have for real local news.

  12. Trying to stop corruption, back room deals, bribery, incompetence, theft, kickbacks, payoffs, and the slick old boys doing it ain't easy.
    But you are getting the job done.
    How do we know?
    The whining, the wailing, the crying, and the angst among them.
    Keep kicking their ace and standing up for the little guy.
    7:01 sounds like he needs some special attention in the ace-kicking department.
    Fantastic work for a retiree (they are are SO jealous!)!

  13. Those damn High School Drop Outs will never amount to anything. (No knowledgable person ever said in 2018.)



    Rich, College Drop Outs.


  14. Many thanks for what you do, Joe. Been following your blog daily for 8 years now.

  15. Obama Crooked BastardoJanuary 30, 2018 at 8:32 PM

    Well said Joe, don't worry about Idiots like Anonymous 7:01, he/she seems to have personal man crush on you. Anyways, just want you to know we here appreciate the work you do with this blog and keep us informed. We certainly realize this blog is the last island of truth in the sea of MSM cesspool of Fake News, Good Ol'Boys, Croooked Democ-rats and Spineless RINO's. And for those nasty and hateful commenters, there are 3 choices, 1) suck it up buttercups, 2) shady crooked dealings will be exposed on here, so be aware, 3) if posting hateful personal attacks toward Joe, then get the f#$& off his blog, and yes that includes EBT Blogger.
    Freedom Isn't Free and Show Must Go On.

  16. Your Florida readers also appreciate your efforts!

  17. I would not open any business in the Salisbury/ Wicomomico area under the current political "Good 'ole Boys" system even if they waived all taxes and offered to pay my water and electric bill. It would be suicide to!

  18. What's wrong with people? This is a PUBLIC service being provided by a person....while I'm sure Joe can't please everyone and he shouldn't even try in my opinion! This should not be personal its a place to receive info about our area from one of several sources. Each one based on the outlook and fundamentally of the ones running each source. If you would like provide your own source but don't try to belittle a man attack his family or try to degrade one for past experiences that are not only irrelevant but childish accusations without any other purpose but to hurt or destroy...if more people in our world or even in OUR community would start lifting up instead beat down and destroy we could all rise above this negative world we are leaving for our children and make things better for once!

    1. "don't try to belittle a man attack his family or try to degrade one for past experiences that are not only irrelevant but childish accusations without any other purpose but to hurt or destroy."

      You have hit the nail on the head. For years this is what I have written to SBYNews. The Opinions are welcoming but the SBYNews Staff should stop with the attacks and name calling for these types of comments serve no good out come.

  19. So how do I get an invite to one of your bonfires?

  20. JoeAlbero said...
    3:26, You call 410-430-5349.
    January 31, 2018 at 3:28 AM

    Ok cool. I thought I had to be "somebody". ;)

  21. Joe I have been following your blog for 3 years now. I don’t agree with all of your takes on things. But, I do respect your point of view when we disagree. That being said I really respect how you bring things to the light that otherwise we would of never heard about. I come to your blog every day because I know where I can find the real news here on the shore. Thank you for all that you do. Haters gonna Hate it’s all they know!

  22. Why do people feel the need to dictate out what others should do with money they earned? Advice is one thing and questions are another but it seems that when you (or anyone else) answers honestly it is ignored unless it is the answer they wanted.

  23. I have to admit that for years I fell within the reins of the "A team" in the bury. I marched when I was told to march and shut up when they said to. This all made me not like this site. However, when I began to stick up for things, review right/wrong, and have my own experiences, this blog pretty much does what we need. It puts a limelight on things people may or may not know. No one says anyone has to agree...but at least its shown to the public and not hidden and hushed away. Keep up the great work!

  24. You can always tell when the other side has no argument. They always resort to name calling and threats.

  25. Now that the other blogs that previously covered matters in Salisbury and Wicomico County have either disappeared, ceased that coverage or offer only BS, we really need this blog to continue to provide the local coverage that the mainstream media fails to provide.

  26. Too wordy,but well said.

  27. so rather then focus on why and how such a corrupt backwater cesspool like salisbury became what it is today the individual will labor to attack the individual who takes those same culprits to task for their shenanigans?
    Not a big fan of Joe, but can't blame him for exposing the bs that goes on between some of these idiots running the local city government!

  28. I worked in all levels of government during my working days and saw and heard all the back-room deals and cover-ups that go on. You, Joe, provide a valuable source of info to the public. And those of us who believe in exposing corruption in our government appreciate the service you are providing. Thank you!

  29. Joe: I left SBY in1963 and began my service in the army as a pilot and intelligence officer. In my many residences around the country, I have always maintained a connection with Salisbury and the eastern shore. After forty years, I recontacted friends from high school who still reside in the area. I found your blog months ago and found it very insightful and informative. I really appreciate the fact that you tell it like it is and don’t pull your punches. I feel like I am getting the full story of what is happening in my former great community. I found that a shooting occurred across the street from my parents old home from reading your blog. Sad what has happened to a once great city. Thanks for all you do to keep us informed. From a retired LTC, Whidbey Island, wa.


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