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Saturday, January 13, 2018

Jerry Seinfeld Under Fire for Visit to Counter-Terror Training Academy in Israel

Comedy legend Jerry Seinfeld is under fire for visiting an counter-terror training academy during a recent trip to Israel.

The academy, Caliber 3, describes itself:

Caliber 3 was established in 2003 by Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Col. Sharon Gat (Res.) and has since become the leading Counter Terror & Security training academy in Israel. Today Caliber-3, run by active military members of the IDF, offers top security solutions, high threat protection, intelligence operations and tactical training to military, law enforcement, government agencies and commercial clients around the globe.

Criticism over Seinfeld’s visit reached a point at which Caliber 3 removed Facebook posts about it. Those posts included photos (which were removed as well). But Maxim magazine quoted the deleted Caliber 3 posts, saying they described the fact that Seinfeld brought his family “for a special and exciting activity with displays of combat, Krav Maga, assault dogs and lots of Zionism.”

And photos of Seinfeld’s visit made the rounds on social media, drawing jeers from pro-Palestinian voices.

More here


  1. a jewish guy likes Israel. Who knew?

  2. 1017-Post of the day!

  3. Who cares what outrages pro-Palestinian voices? Crawl back in your sh*thole country.


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