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Saturday, January 13, 2018

Limbaugh: Leftist Reactions ‘Faux Rage,’ ‘Made Up’ for Cameras, Microphones

Friday on his nationally syndicated radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh dismissed the reaction to the remarks reportedly made by President Donald Trump deeming some nations to be “shithole countries” during a meeting with a bipartisan group of congressional leaders on immigration policy.

Limbaugh called it “faux rage” and said much of it was an act for the cameras and microphone.

“All I can tell you is I have been there,” Limbaugh said. “I have been in the midst of these kinds of firestorms, folks. And I can tell you this is all faux rage. It is faux anger. It is faux outrage. It is made up. It is for the cameras. It’s for the microphones. It’s for the audience. It’s based on the presumption everybody finds Trump reprehensible and always has and this is just the final straw. And I don’t believe these people are sincerely outraged. They are sincerely excited because it is yet what they believe is another opportunity to get rid of Trump.”

Limbaugh predicted this would be another failed effort to undermine the president’s credibility in the eyes of the American people.

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