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Saturday, January 13, 2018

Outgoing Virginia Gov. McAuliffe says he'd deck Trump if provoked

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Outgoing Democratic Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe told a national television audience he'd knock President Donald Trump to the floor if the president ever tried to intimidate him.

During an interview Thursday on MSNBC's "Hardball," Chris Matthews asked McAuliffe how he would respond if Trump tried to intimidate him during a debate by hovering over him, as he did in a 2016 debate with Hillary Clinton, a close friend of McAuliffe's.



  1. TRIGGERED! ahh, the party of tolerance!

  2. Is Terry still under FBI investigation?

  3. Yeh right trump would kick his commie butt and wipe the floor with his face.

  4. Just let it die, Dems, and remember the eight years of social grace given even by non-supporters to your allegedly golden boy.

  5. id like to see him try!

  6. My dad can beat up your dad. You idiots sound like 6 year olds on the playground at recess.

  7. The difference in class between McCauliff & Trump shines clear with that statement.

  8. And this is what Left Wingnut RINO Larry Hogan Tweeted this afternoon. Another kick in the nuts to President Trump.


    Larry Hogan‏ @LarryHogan

    Thank you to my friend Governor @TerryMcAuliffe for being a great partner over the past 3 years; congratulations to Governor @RalphNortham - I look forward to working together on issues facing our region.

  9. besides his stupid and untrue statement, it was proven that Killary was actually the one who kept invading Trump's space by continually walking into it, not the way around. The stage they were on was small to begin with. Watch that debate again and notice where they stand and who moves where in relation to each other.

  10. My president can beat your governor. lol

  11. Anyone know what the charge is for attacking a President????


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