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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

This Is What's Wrong With This Country: Some Foul Language


  1. It's still the private property of Walmart. They can do whatever they want with it, even if it's to waste it all. In the end, we can all hope that it went to a food bank or a bunch of charities.

    Somebody, send this guy a canned ham.

  2. Dear 10:14 ,
    This the property of all Walmart stock holders , they cannot do what ever they want with any thing they have purchased. This is not the private property of Walmart 10:14 it is property of ALL stock holders. Do your home work before you comment such ignorance.

  3. You all have missed his point, we have a couple million or more in this country starving, malnourished and way underfed. Any food bank would love to get such a donation. But instead of donating it, due to the cost of paperwork, it is cheaper for companies to just throw out perfectly good food. Who pays for It? Not Wal-Mart but you do in higher prices to cover such waste. Are you that ignorant you missed his point? It is not who owns and their right, it is about doing the right thing to help your fellow beings who are starving and going without when there is so much just headed for the dump!

  4. I would loved to have had a case of those canned hams. WTF!

    No more than they pay their employees, why not give the food to them based on the most need.

    Muir Boda could definitely eat some of that food. Muir Boda could even use some of it for Jack Heath's fundraisers Muir is putting on.

  5. Good to see Randy Newman out and about.


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