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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Mainstream Media Now Promoting "Gun Confiscation Orders" As Solution To Mass Shootings

In what many saw coming a mile away in the aftermath of both the Las Vegas Massacre and the Texas Church mass shooting, liberals in the government, with the help of their mainstream media allies, are now pushing what amounts to plans for gun confiscation, outside of normal law, for Americans across the country.

The new push for gun control from the left comes courtesy of ABC News which recently published a piece promoting the use of an Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) that many believe is nothing more than a thinly veiled confiscation plan that would allow a judge to “issue an ex parte order” for the direct confiscation of an American citizens firearms.

Unbelievably, the order can actually be issued without the firearm owner even being present, which would in turn end with police at the citizens door demanding he hand over his weapons or face violence from the state.

ABC’s Andy Fies, on the other hand, apparently wants Americans to see the orders differently, painting a more friendly picture of the ERPO’s while quoting two different left-wing gun control groups as seemingly unbiased experts on gun violence.



  1. If some cop or national guard idiot tries to take my guns away I will kill them, I will go down fighting!

  2. That is why it is a good idea to have multiple residences under different ownership and gyns they don't know about can't be confiscated.

  3. Not a good idea to even think about it. Better NOT try...

  4. 10:09 20 million gun owners agree with you.

  5. All I can say to these Nazi's and their enforcers is TWO things.
    1) You should be abjectly ashamed.

    2) Don't be the first few dumb-aces charging through the door. Let the single, unmarried Nazi's give THEIR life first.
    Try to be at least the 31st one trying to come in uninvited.
    By that time, you'll have to crawl over a pretty big pile of ex-Nazi's.
    It'll give you time to rethink your approach and MAYBE see your kids tomorrow before they go to school.....

    Make the right choice.


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