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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Modern Day Julius & Ethel Rosenberg

Many of you probably don't remember the Rosenbergs because their case and execution for treason happened during the early Fifties during the Cold War Era. The case centered around them leaking US technological secrets to the Russians. Of course, they proclaimed their innocence but the evidence was overwhelming and they were put to death by electric chair.

The Clintons' Criminal Syndicate is far more involved than the Rosenbergs, which leads one to wonder why they still walk among us given their entanglements and dubious shenanigans throughout decades.

Last night on Sean Hannity, he detailed a roadmap of criminality that demonstrates the staggering lawlessness that has permeated the Clintons' world in recent history. This is all post-White House crime, committed while Hillary Clinton was a Senator, Secretary of State and afterwards. The web of deception is so vast and contains so many players, Hannity was forced to broad-stroke the big ticket items. Stolen Primary, Uranium One (including the Clinton Foundation and pay for play), Email Server, and the DNC IT scandal. All these situations have Hillary at the central hub.

Below is the map in its entirety. 

If you can, try to catch the whole discussion because you will then understand just why so many people are trying to get a Special Prosecutor involved. The evidence is overwhelming.

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