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Thursday, November 23, 2017

Roy Moore: Deploy Military to Fortify U.S.-Mexico Border

In a policy interview here, Republican senatorial candidate Roy Moore advocated for the Trump administration to immediately deploy the U.S. military to fortify the U.S.-Mexico border while plans for a wall are being strategized.

“I believe that we can stop illegal aliens from coming across our border within a matter of a week using the United States military to support the border patrol,” Moore stated. “That is not a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. It has been done by numerous presidents.”

“And then we have the money, as soon as possible we can build a wall to stop these illegal aliens from coming across our border. I think we should act on these things and we should do them as soon as possible,” he said.

Moore here


  1. Is it just me or does Moore look like Sheriff Joe Arpaio?

  2. Mine Fields / Claymores / Electric Fence = Solved !!!!

  3. Ain't mexico paying for the wall? Or was that just a BS promise?

  4. The congress voted to pay for the wall when Obama was still in office.


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