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Thursday, November 23, 2017

GQ Magazine Urges Readers to Trash Thanksgiving for Trump Voters

If you can’t argue politics with your relatives, then just trash their Thanksgiving dinner for spite, says a politics column in GQ magazine, titled “It’s Your Civic Duty to Ruin Thanksgiving by Bringing Up Trump.”

The writer gets straight to the point:

It’s late-November 2017, and you know what that means: Every man you’ve ever seen on TV for any reason has just been unmasked as a woman-hating sewer ghoul. Also, it’s time to ruin your Trump-supporting family’s Thanksgiving—for America!

Then column then offer suggests different ways for adults to customise their own Thanksgiving tantrums:


  1. There are obviously no gentlemen at Gentlemen's Quarterly.

  2. There was no problem at our Thanksgiving this year because everyone in my family voted for PRESIDENT TRUMP! GQ, I guess your little snowflake readers will just have to go out and scream at the sky as we thank God for our family and our President.

  3. My neighbors must have read the article because my day was spent arguing with them to move their vehicle from blocking my driveway so I could go about my day. They were too lazy to move it back and have to walk an extra 5'. Her mumbling mouth excuse was that they weren't going to be that long, so I guess I was supposed to call my mom and tell her to hold up dinner because some fat butt democrat expected me to work around her schedule and lazy behind.

    Next time I will flatten her tire and drive over the curb.

  4. 6:53, if it was blocking your driveway could you have had it towed? I would have. (map)


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