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Thursday, November 23, 2017

Dr. Hoffman: 13 tips for surviving the holidays

Last week, I discussed ways to maintain your physical health over the holiday season, but what about your mental health? It should come as no surprise that the holiday season can be one of stress, conflict, even loneliness for many. Here are my best tips for keeping your emotional health in tip-top shape during this sometimes trying season: 

7) Don’t overbook: Holiday freneticism is hard to avoid. Deliberately create “circuit breakers” in your schedule to avoid Yule burnout. 

8) Light it up: The holidays coincide with the darkest time of the year. Get some light in your eyes with an early morning walk, or consider a light box to fend off Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). 

9) Overcome the blues: While it may seem paradoxical to be depressed during the traditional “Season of Joy,” it’s actually quite natural. The contrast between your circumstances and the illusion that everyone else has it better is never more accentuated. Unhappy childhood memories surface, and loneliness and feelings of failure are highlighted against a festive background. 

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[Ronald Hoffman, M.D. is recognized as one of America’s foremost complementary medicine practitioners. He was founder and Medical Director of the Hoffman Center in New York City, and now maintains a private practice there.]

1 comment:

  1. Thanks For The Tips ..But A Classic Christmas Movie Or Pumping Up The volume On Elvis's Blue Christmas Works Just Fine For Me !


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