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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Good Samaritan Stops Rape with Gun: ‘Didn't think I'd ever have to pull it’

‘I pulled my gun and told him to get off her’

A Texas man is being hailed as a hero after he used his firearm to stop a rape occurring on a hike-and-bike trail, in another pro-Second Amendment story you won’t typically see in the mainstream media.

Austin resident Josh Williams, 39, remembered hearing screams as he was jogging during the early morning hours of September 15.

“Apparently he came up behind her and tackled her,” Williams described to KVUE last Wednesday, thankful he was in the right place at the right time.



  1. Well Done Young Man ! Yes ..You are a Hero !!

  2. In Maryland, that would be assault with a deadly weapon and he would have had his gun confiscated for one year to give the rapist his year to bring charges against the gunner. After he got finished with his task at hand, of course!

    Tell me I'm wrong Mike Lewis. You did it to me.


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