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Thursday, November 23, 2017

Cardin says Trump, Putin must remain in communication

Sen. Ben Cardin said Tuesday the U.S. and Russia must remain in communication despite the growing controversy surrounding President Trump’s possible connections to the country.

“I think we have to have communications between the president of Russia and the United States. So that’s fine. I don’t mind the conversation,” Mr. Cardin, Maryland Democrat, said on CNN.

The senator was referring to Mr. Trump’s planned conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday. But Mr. Cardin said Mr. Trump must use this time to emphasize the severity of Russia’s actions in the past year.



  1. Yeah, hey Ben, be sure to arm Mr. Trump with all the "hard evidence" y'all have that they meddled, okay?

    Oh, you say you don't have any?


  2. Well this is the first time Cardin said anything that I cannot disagree with.

  3. He is changing from now until elections when he hopes he will be re-elected. NOT happening. He is one of those whose only job has been a Politian.

  4. Ben Cardin is nothing but a blowhorn. How he ever got into office amazes me because his actions are so divisive and destructive.

  5. Trump has Putin precisely where he wants him and Putin doesn't even know it.The world is a chess board and Trump is it's Bobby Fisher.We should not resent him for being THAT much smarter than everyone else.We should be thankful that he is in charge and we are not.

  6. Cardin supports Sanctuary State and impeaching President Trump.
    He is the SWAMP.


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