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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Week 10: Thousands of Empty Seats Still Plague NFL Stadiums

Photos of empty seats continue to make their appearance on Twitter as the NFL’s Week 10 games debut on Veterans Day, this weekend. Though only a few players decided to protest the country on this day dedicated to our soldiers, fans stayed away in droves.

According to the Twitter account Empty Seats Galore, the Rams “handed out 60,032 tickets” for the game as they met the Houston Texans beating the Texans 33 to 7.

But apparently, not many fans turned out to see the game.



  1. People are over the national felony league and aren't coming back without Goodall growing a set to take the politics off the field.

  2. Goodell is part of the problem, another part is ownership and the rest is GREED!

  3. Shame on anyone who attends any NFL game.


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