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Thursday, November 23, 2017

Google on RT, Sputnik: Russian Media to Be 'De-ranked' in Searches

Google parent company Alphabet said the search engine will “de-rank” articles from Russia Today and Sputnik because of allegations the Russian government meddled in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

At the Halifax International Security Forum on Saturday, Alphabet Chairman Eric Schmidt said search algorithms would be used to limit the reach of articles, the BBC reported.

“We’re well aware of this one, and we’re working on detecting this kind of scenario you’re describing and deranking those kinds of sites,” Schmidt said.

The Russian news outlets called the move censorship, but Schmidt said censorship was not the intention.



  1. This is the elitist attitude of Google, trying to protect those of us who are mere mortals from being 'fooled' by information they might not agree with.

    I am more concerned about being protected FROM Google.

    You should be too.

  2. "..Schmidt said censorship was not the intention.."

    Baloney. What else do you call it?

    This is just the elitists at Google trying to save us poor, stupid mortals.


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