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Monday, October 02, 2017

Rohrabacher: Assange Has 'Absolute Proof' of Who Gave Him DNC Emails

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) says he HAS SEEN evidence that could disprove Russia-Trump collusion accusations once and for all, but he's having a hard time getting his message through to the president.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has offered to provide the evidence in exchange for a pardon from President Trump.

The congressman expressed confidence in an interview with OAN that the president will "get behind this" as soon he hears the message.

"I think he will because I'm going to try to overcome the obstacles in the way -- which happens to be his staff," he said. "So in the next few weeks, my job is to try to make sure the president's staff doesn't fence him off from this offer."

Rohrabacher added, "I think that when he hears that there's been an offer made, he will insist on knowing about it."

He said that the one person who could prove or disprove charges that Trump and Russia colluded on hacking the DNC is Julian Assange -- and no one has even bothered to go see him. Last month, Rohrabacher went to London to visit him at the Ecuadorian embassy himself.

"He has a story to tell," Rohrabacher said. "He's the one guy that I think the American people and the people in the world need to hear, and he's the one guy that now our intelligence agencies as well at the powers that be in Washington don't want anybody to hear...."

More here


  1. If he leaves that building, he'll be killed and they don't care who sees it or who does it.
    They would rather take the heat for openly murdering him than to deal with his explosive revelations.
    Give him and Snowden (real heroes) a pardon and lets see the stuff that will send some politicians to prison or retirement.
    Not "your guy" of course. He's the only one that doesn't steal.
    He also restored the sight of a blind man yesterday.
    Keep cheering!

  2. Trump knew about this all along and will pull it out when and if needed. As of right now no credible person believes the Russian story.

  3. His name is Seth Rich... RIP Patriot!

  4. Seth Rich and Kurt Smolek. Both now euthanized by the Hillary team.


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