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Monday, October 02, 2017

Protesting America on Foreign Soil: Three Dolphins Kneel for Anthem in London, Saints Kneel for Coin Toss But Stand for Anthem

London was the scene of one of the largest anthem protests in the entire league last weekend, when over 20 players and executives from the Jaguars and Ravens took a knee, or raised a fist in protest. This week, however, the scene at Wembley Stadium looked far different.

As the NFL’s Week 4 kicked off, the New Orleans Saints took a knee during the coin toss but stood for the anthem. Meanwhile, across the field, three members of the Miami Dolphins took a knee during the playing of the national anthem.

The three Dolphins who refused to stand were Kenny Stills, Julius Thomas, and Michael Thomas all took a knee during the national song.

This is the second week in a row that Stills and Julius Thomas took a knee in protest during the anthem. For Michael Thomas, it was his first time kneeling.



  1. I'm sick of all this.(map)

  2. Kneeling at a coin toss? Now I'm just confused. What does that even mean? Are coins racist? Are statistical probabilities bigoted?

  3. These football players are just like the entertainers. They have way too much money and are looked up to by too many. I wish the ones that do not stand, be fired and their salaries be taken away.
    They were picked to play football and receive a huge paycheck, not act like a dumb ***.

  4. If they were fined as the NFL rules states then they would stand. They should be fined their salary for that game and every game they disobey the NFL rule. The Coaches and owners should have equal punishment since they allow / agree with it. This money should be given to the government and let them use it for the Vets, elderly, homeless, sick children. homeless children. They would get no credit / tax deduction or recognition since the government would use it for these government programs. Then they should be fired if they did it in another Country.

  5. Gee, I missed all of that, LOL! I was out doing everything else but watching football games!

  6. LOL
    The Saints are so stupid they got confused about when to kneel and when to stand!


    I am rolling around on the floor over here!



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