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Monday, October 02, 2017

Teachers union granted restraining order against Project Veritas

A circuit court judge granted a teachers union a restraining order against Project Veritas, an organization run by conservative activist James O'Keefe, and one of its alleged operatives.

The restraining order, granted Friday by Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Brian Sullivan, prevents Project Veritas and Marisa Jorge, who allegedly works for the organization, from releasing video footage and information obtained during an operation at the Michigan chapter of the American Federation of Teachers.

AFT alleged Jorge used a fake name, Marissa Perez, to land an internship with AFT Michigan starting in May, "ostensibly to obtain material Project Veritas could use in one of its infamously misleading hit videos," according to a complaint filed in court.

Jorge said she was a student at the University of Michigan interested in becoming a public school teacher, but AFT believes she is really a graduate of Liberty University in Virginia who now works for O'Keefe's organization.

More here


  1. "one of its infamously misleading hit videos," . You mean the ones showing PP selling baby parts and others planning roots?

    Those "misleading" things seem pretty clear cut to me!

    Funny how a judge can outlaw recording the truth.

  2. A court (serving "we, the people" so diligently" issues a restraining order against a reporter for exposing corruption?
    Its NOT the truth they want.
    It's protection of the liberal agenda.
    There is always a judge willing to do that.
    And there is always a group ready to start the hanging, too.
    Cheer that.

  3. Teachers. What are they hiding? What are they afraid of? Makes one wary of them all.


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