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Thursday, October 12, 2017

EXCLUSIVE – Juanita Broaddrick: Harvey Weinstein and Bill Clinton Are ‘Cut From The Same Cloth’

NEW YORK — Juanita Broaddrick, the woman who accused Bill Clinton of raping her twice in a hotel room in 1978, sees echoes of her own experiences in the case of Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, who has been accused by scores of actresses over the years of sexual harassment or assault.

“Harvey Weinstein and Bill Clinton are cut from the same cloth,” Broaddrick charged in an interview with this reporter on Tuesday. “They are both powerful men and had the ability to protect themselves from the rumors and whispers about their well known, deviant and criminal behavior.”

“Their victims were bullied into silence while most reporters and those in the ‘know’ looked the other way,” she said.

Broaddrock asserted that “Hillary’s entourage waged war on Bill’s victims while Weinstein had his own army of Hollywood elite to protect him.”



  1. Harvey Weinstein represents the dumbocrat party perfectly!

    1. Trump just talked about it the Dems DO IT.

  2. And President Trump called it and the democrats took such offense. He said in so many words that there are hoes out there that you can grab them and they tolerate it to get what they want. Oh how the democrats tried to turn it to him behaving like this when he only spoke the truth and did nothing of the sort. Seems the President was right on again. Karma Harvey Karma and it couldn't happen to a better person. Heard he's stone cold broke too.

  3. What a massive distraction from something very important going on in the world.
    Now what is that very important thing which the media / government (one and the same) don't want the public to pay attention?


  4. I just read the Weinstein company had it in their contract with him that the company would pay any settlements resulting from any harassment suits, but ole Harv would have to pay the company back, pay a fine of 250k for the first time, 500k for the second, 750k for the 3rd time and a million dollar fine for the fourth time and any others beyond that.

    So obviously the company knew about the harassment and seemingly condoned it.

    It was more or less allowed if he paid them back plus a fine.

  5. They are ALL Pedophiles.

  6. It's the culture that they live in...Washington and Hollywood exploit women and nothing is said or done.

  7. Exactly right! The President only talked about the culture that IS the democrat party. All the democrat talk like Hillary and Michelle and the Hollywood crowd about "strong" women and all any of them are are SLAVES to men. Democrat women are foul. More proof that democrats are nothing but lying filth none worthy to even breath the same air as the good people of the GOP.


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