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Thursday, October 12, 2017

Bannon: Donors Sick and Tired of Karl Rove, Steven Law, Mitch McConnell Losing, Wasting Millions—‘It’s a New Game in Town’

Former White House Strategist Steve Bannon vowed to cut off Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) fundraising sources to defeat the “establishment, globalist clique” on Capitol Hill that Bannon previously said was working to “nullify the 2016 election” because they have never believed in the economic nationalist agenda that got Trump elected.

“We’re going to cut off the oxygen to Mitch McConnell. Mitch McConnell’s biggest asset is the money,” Bannon said Monday on Fox News’ Hannity. “We’re going to make it the biggest liability. We’re going after these guys tooth and nail.”

He said that establishment fundraisers like Karl Rove and Steven Law, who poured in at least $10 million into the Alabama GOP Senate runoff against grassroots conservative candidate Roy Moore, “should get the joke” that some top donors “are coming to us because they’re tired of having their money burned up by trying to destroy people like Judge Moore.”

“It’s a new game in town,” Bannon said.



  1. Thanks to the remote, I've not heard fat headed rove since he said the republicans won the presidential race and ten minutes later we had lost.

  2. 6:23, I remember that night well, for some reason, he still thinks his opinion matters. Past time for rove to go, with many others.

  3. Yea and he also needs to shove that stupid white chalk board he uses all the time too!

  4. This is why Trump turned Bannon lose. He'll be a lot more help to Trump here than he ever was in the White House.


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