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Thursday, October 12, 2017

Billions in Illinois bills not sent for payment

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — Illinois is chasing a moving target as it tries to dig out of the nation's worst budget crisis, and a review obtained by The Associated Press shows $7.5 billion worth of unpaid bills — as much as half the total — hadn't been sent to the official who writes the checks by the end of June.

Although many of those IOUs have since been paid, a similar amount in unprocessed bills has replaced them in the last three months, Comptroller Susana Mendoza's office said Monday. That's in addition to $9 billion worth of checks that are at the office but being delayed because the state lacks the money to pay them.

The mound of past-due bills tripled over the two years Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner and Democrats who control the General Assembly were locked in a budget stalemate, which ended in July when lawmakers hiked income taxes over Rauner's vetoes



  1. Obviously the problem is NOT that people pay too little in taxes.
    Gosh that idea is just silly.
    People are being taxed to death by these state and federal governments.

    The problem is the state government (Illinois) simply SPENDS too much.

    Stop spending the people's money - especially the money the people have not even given to you yet!

  2. Federal budget is in the same situation and the Politians keep taxing and will not stop pork barrel spending. What a surprise.

  3. Just sell the state and the new owners can clean it out.

  4. Democrats forget nothing is free. The difference between Democrats and Republicans is Democrats buy your votes Republicans try to earn them.


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