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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Texas AG files lawsuit against three businesses for price gouging during Harvey

Attorney General Ken Paxton filed lawsuits Tuesday against three Texas business accusing them of unlawful price gouging.

According to Paxton, the three businesses were gouging their prices while consumers were in need of fuel, shelter and other essentials as a result of Hurricane Harvey.

“It’s unconscionable that any business would take advantage of Texans at their most vulnerable – those who are displaced from their homes, have limited resources, and are in desperate need of fuel, shelter and the basic necessities of life,” Attorney General Paxton said. “Texas has tough price gouging laws, and my office will continue to aggressively investigate and prosecute cases arising from Hurricane Harvey.”



  1. Good for him. I can't
    imagine people being so
    cruel and heartless in
    others time of need.

  2. Well, at least the Clinton Foundation has stepped right up to help.

  3. Gouging is just as bad as looting put them both in a cage with no food or water or shelter and see how they like it.

  4. Nobody GOUGES as much as the damn OIL companys !!! Fine Them
    Incl our Local stations here on DelMarVa !!!!

  5. Gas Gouging is the WORST Gouging going on FINE Them !!!!!


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