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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

61% Say It’s Time for Hillary Clinton To Retire

Hillary Clinton is back today with a new book, “What Happened,” to further explain why Donald Trump is president instead of her. But most voters still don’t buy her excuses and think it’s time for her to step off the national stage.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that just 30% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Clinton still has a future in public life. Sixty-one percent (61%) say it’s time for her to retire, up from 55% just after she lost the presidential election to Trump last November. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Half (49%) of voters believe Clinton’s continued presence on the national stage is bad for the Democratic Party. Only 21% say her presence is good for her party, while 23% say it has no impact.



  1. 21 percent say she could for the party but 8 months ago 100 percent approval rating? Huh! Kinda strange.

  2. If she would just go away.

  3. Retire? An ex prez's wife gets a retirement? Where are we, Venizwala?

  4. I read that 90% said she needs to be in Prison.

  5. I agree with 10:26 pm. The media need to STOP giving her and her entire family their 15 minutes of fame every other day, We need relief by not seeing her at all. Hildabeast Clinton needs to go away, retired and hide. She a non Mother Freaking Factor. No one really care about, "What Happen". Go Away, Hildabeast Clinton.

  6. Let me explain the survey to Hillary in case she wants to know what happened. People don't like you and want you to go away!

  7. Retire?
    She needs to be in prison.

  8. She could Not even be elected Dog Catcher now, so she may as
    well Disappear and Retire .....
    Stay home and count that Clinton Foundation $$$$$$ !!!!

  9. Well, I think she has done the democratic party in by all of her bad judgements which is a reflection of her campaign. Not to mention the antics of Wasserman Schultz, Podesta, and the improprieties of Cheryl Mills, Susan Rice, et.al. And she has the nerve to call the conservatives deplorables!

  10. I Love it that she LOst by the ELECTORAL COLLEGE !!!!

  11. Politics has been extremely lucrative for the Clinton family, and especially for Hillary, due to her tendency for corruption. She will not go quietly into the night. She is fearful of having to try and amass large sums of money without the benefit of political corruption. Politics is, and always has been, her "cash cow."

  12. 11:57 is right she belongs behind bars and now not later. Furthermore her and Bill have the Clinton Foundation $ , his retirement, and she did a shoddy job as Secretary of State, they should be making payment to this country as the 2nd worst president and wife in history , Obama being the biggest mistake.


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