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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Trump Press Secretary Says DOJ "Should Look Into" Prosecution Of James Comey

With all the talk of hurricanes now officially behind us (at least for now), the media was once again able to return to its favorite topic at today's daily press briefing with Sarah Sanders: Russia. And with Steve Bannon recently referring to it as the biggest mistake "in modern political history," today seemed like the perfect time to once again ask Sanders for her thoughts on the Comey dismissal.

Luckily, for our entertainment purposes at least, Sanders didn't back down from a question from a New York Times reporter about President Trump's current thinking on Comey's firing.

“The president is proud of the decision that he made. The president was 100 percent right in firing James Comey. He knew it could be bad for him politically and felt he had an obligation to do what was right for the American people and men and women at the FBI.”

“I think there is no secret Comey by his own self-admission leaked privileged government information weeks before president Trump fired him Comey testified that an FBI agent engaged in the same practice would face serious repercussions. His actions were improper. He leaked memos to 'New York Times.' He signaled he would exonerate Hillary Clinton before interviewing her. He is very happy with the decision he made.”



  1. Where has everyone's head been ? In the sand ???
    Should have already been done, along with Hillary too !!

  2. I am glad all of this is coming out. At one point I backed Comey; but when the tarmac meeting occurred between Lynch and Bubba it was obvious something was up. Can we really believe the blatant disregard for truth and honesty? Then when Comey announced Hillary would not be held accountable, that was the final straw. Then his congressional testimony...he needs to go down for his betrayal of the FBI.

  3. Come is probably a bigger criminal than Hillary, if that's possible. There's a very large swamp and many criminals protecting many criminals, and murder is always the first option. I mean, suicide. Sorry, I misspoke. BANG!


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