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Monday, September 04, 2017

First Legal Crop Of Medical Marijuana Growing In Md.

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Maryland now has its first legal crop of medical marijuana.

According to the Washington Post, at least two licensed companies: ForwardGro in Anne Arundel County and Curio Wellness in Baltimore County have marijuana plants growing.

Nearly 20 companies have been cleared to grow, process and sell the plant.



  1. We've been cooking with the oil for years at our get togethers.Never any fights either.

    1. So true about the fights. No hangovers nothing but smiles and the food taste soooo good. :)

  2. i can smell the death of the devil upon us. first this then that evil music festival. the end is near i tell you!

  3. The stoners have provided their nonsensical two cents worth.

  4. It's been used as food, medicine, spiritual aides and who knows what else for THOUSANDS of years. What and why are so many people scared about when it comes to pot? (and other things banned by our gov't as being "bad for us"?

    Yet some of the things this same gov't allows and claims to be "good for us" kill us. Oh, wait....

  5. The entire medical marijuana issue in MD is a joke. Let's begin by pointing out the fact our legislators have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to this drug. This fact is illustrated by the point they've "legalized" or "de-criminalized" it in the amount of 10 grams or less.."about the equivalent of two joints".......those must be some big ass Cheech and Chong sized joints because you get a whole lot more than 2 joints out of ten grams. They clearly have no clue, yet they create and pass laws. It's insane. I'm all for helping people in pain and it's also been proven the drug still works for pain when the THC (the chemical that gets you high) has been removed. It can be manufactured in various forms, such as a pill or a "butter" and taken orally. Certainly much healthier than smoking but it won't get you high....that's not what they want they want. The smokers want to get high, plain and simple. They simply hide behind the medicinal curtain. If we are going to legalize it, fine...let people vote on it and if the people agree it should be legal then let's make it legal but let's call it what it is and stop pretending otherwise.

  6. 8:31 AM To respond according to your comment: The reason why politicians did what they did in regards to Weed, is they did it for votes!!! Nothing more and nothing less, unless some of these same politicians have money invested in weed in some form... Becasue now, the politicians either are/or were trying to remove, change or repeal the weed passage legislation... At least if you all took the time to read or check out the General Assembly webpage you would have seen all of the bills... Either way it doesn't matter, They have thousands of bills before them and they only go over 10 a session so that is why nothing gets done... Now back to the weed, The reason why everyone is so scared is becasue they never smoked it, used it or know of any benefits becasue they base their knowledge on what cops, or politicians or media tells you... Common sense will tell you, unless you use or smoked weed, you will never know the true good or evil behind weed becasue it is a class 3 or schedule 3 drug where by it being banned and illegal via the fed govt, you can't even poses it to do research, and with no research you can't say SHIT about how bad it is... I do know, from research, that weed is a benefit more than it is not a benefit, especially in regards to health!!!! There are others, like other commentators said, with food and oils and the like... You can even take the fibers from it and make clothes or rope, or even bio fuels!!! But we all know the govt doesn't want you to have or own ways to be self relent now do they??? Another reason why politicians and govt banned weed was becasue they didn't know SHIT about it and even your god send Trey Gowdy had a committee talk about this and the govt even admitted they banned it without any research or knowledge it does harm... There are audio tapes with Nixon in them stating that they wanted to ban weed to get back at the black people becasue Nixon was a racist and didn't like black people... But I guess you all will argue that point with out researching it too...

    It is just amazing who stupid you people are, and how much you like being stupid, where you think you have a right to run your mouth about a subject you know nothing about, but won't get fax to defend your clown statements, like weed is a gateway drug or weed does harm... For god sake's, breathing regular air is harmful, yet I don't see you bashing that or wanting that banned... Another reason why it was banned was the war on drugs, they can take your stuff, put you in jail, all of which makes the fed govt more and more money!!!

    You all should know this by now, that all the motive behind anything is either money, power or stupidity... As 8:31 has stated as well, there are 2 forms of weed, THC and CBD or what ever it is called... One with THC gets you they high feeling, and the CBD or whatever chemical, gives you the pain blockers with no high feeling, this is what is in the medical stuff for patients to take... Unless they want the high... But again you are to stupid to research anything or you would know that!!!

  7. I'm still going to buy my weed from the dopeman. Not paying MD taxes on pot. Look what they did to the price of cigarettes.

  8. The title of this post suggest that the crop I had back in the early 70's was illegal. Wow!

  9. Maryland legislator's real goal is to legalize and tax marijuana, not limited medical marijuana. Medical marijuana is just a vehicle to a marijuana distribution system that will enable sales and taxation of recreational marijuana. Our legislators have run out of ways to tax us. By taxing marijuana, they will have another revenue source to use to give away money in return for votes to keep them in office. They are all corrupt bastards. But I'm all for taking the marijuana business away from the countries and illegal dealers that currently control the supply. I just see what our legislators are doing, and why they are doing it.

  10. I recently bought and ingested 60 capsules of CBD hemp. Unfortunately, it did not do much in the way of pain relief. Hemp is legal in all 50 states because it contains less than 3% of THC. I haven't given completely up on my quest to find the right combination of CBD and THC to alleviate the constant pain I feel each and every day.

    Each person's biological makeup is different. Some will need higher doses and some will require less. I don't want to get high but from my research, I think you need the whole plant to get the benefits. Many states have approved pot for medicinal purposes but some, like Md. still make it difficult to obtain. I once applied for a "pot card" only to be rejected because my picture I sent in did not have a completely white background. Ok, fine. I will redo the picture with a completely white background someday and try again.

    States and the gov't, in general, are dragging their feet in every way possible to delay and deny the public from getting this "medicine". There have already been studies, research, human trials, etc. from a hundred plus years ago. The same studies and human trials they say need to be conducted for them to "approve" the use of marijuana.

    Look up Rick Simpson Oil, Phoenix Tears, and other informative sites. The facts are there, waiting to be read. But even then some will still deny the facts benefits until they draw their last breath.

    But at least we are headed in the right direction. As soon as the gov't and companies such as the pharmaceutical industry figure out how to corner the market, put in place the tax laws, and other methods to totally control our access to medical marijuana, and get rich(er) while doing so, we will finally be able to obtain what so many need. (Just like we used to be able to access it over a hundred years ago)


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