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Monday, September 04, 2017

This is it: The total destruction of Europe has just been decided upon

You better start to believe it, cause it’s clearly coming

It will now become much easier for ‘refugees’ from Africa to seek asylum in Europe, according to a new agreement between four western European countries and Chad and Niger. “Particularly vulnerable refugees” will now be able to apply for asylum in Europe directly in place in the African countries.

Four Western European countries have agreed on a new asylum policy, allowing African ‘refugees’ to seek asylum in European countries, directly on the African continent, reports AP.

It is the leaders of France, Germany, Italy and Spain, who jointly presented the news, together with EU Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini, after the representatives of the countries gathered in Paris to discuss integration, migration and defense within the EU. Representatives from other African countries also participated.

Several African leaders have asked for increased support from the EU, since their countries are used in many ways as transit areas for refugees and migrants heading for the European continent.



  1. It's time the EU was disbanded, if I lived in Europe I'd be heading somewhere else. They're gonna be sorry when they finally wake up and realize what they have done.

  2. "...They're gonna be sorry when they finally wake up and realize what they have done."

    Not really. The small, poor countries that suck off the rich ones are making out quite well.

  3. Europe is pathetic

  4. And when it falls, they will have no haven to go to.


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