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Monday, September 04, 2017

White House Petition: Public Must Demand Release of Hillary's Records

Investigator warns rogue FBI is still protecting Clinton

The FBI is guarding records on Hillary Clinton, rejecting a Freedom of Information Act request by attorney Ty Clevenger, citing a “lack of public interest” as basis for denial, which has prompted the initiation of a White House petition to prove otherwise.

The petition can be found HERE and reads as follows:

“Compel The F.B.I. To Release All Records Pertaining To Hillary Clinton’s Personal Secret Server Email Investigation”

FBI records section chief David M. Hardy told investigator Ty Clevenger that he did sufficiently demonstrate that the public’s interest in disclosing (Hillary’s FBI records relating to her personal secret server email investigation) outweighed her personal privacy interests. This petition will show the Executive branch that there is sufficient public interest in releasing all FBI records pertaining to this case. Hillary Clinton was shielded by former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and FBI Director James Comey during the email “investigation”. Hillary has continued to echo Russian interference in the 2016 election and releasing these records should help clear the air on this matter. President Trump should compel the FBI to release to the public all records related to this investigation.

The petition has already garnered over 3,000 signatures in its first day, at the time of this writing, and must reach 100,000 by September 28th to be entered into consideration by the federal government.



  1. This will have its 100k in a few days. There are 15million Deplorables who voted here!

  2. Everyone who supports truth and justice should sign this one!

  3. Signing anything to get anything done with Hillary Clinton is useless - the left absolutely love her and her lies and they are not going to let anything happen to the lying witch.


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