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Monday, September 11, 2017

2018 Could Be The Year Incumbents Are Shown The Door In A ‘Trumpian Manner’

Former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli is battling the Republican establishment and the Washington swamp President Donald Trump promised to drain by leading the Senate Conservatives Fund.

The Republican failure to repeal Obamacare was “a vote a whole election can turn on,” Cuccinelli told The Daily Caller News Foundation in this exclusive video interview. Republicans’ broken promises are causing a pronounced riff that jeopardizes a growing number of Republicans seeking re-election next November. Should they support the Trump agenda or vote with the sinking popularity of the Republican leadership and Washington establishment?

The dangers in the current political environment for the Republican establishment are now “opportunities” for scrappy groups like the Senate Conservatives Fund, whose supporters get most animated for defeating incumbents who won’t keep their promises once elected.



  1. These politicians go to Washington and then become part of the deep state...I wish someone would expose who they are and what their end game is.

  2. I will expose them for you 12:49. They are most of the ones currently holding office. Their end game would be to sick it to the taxpayer to benefit themselves.

  3. And there will be a lot more Democrats in the US Congress then!

    Can you say "impeachment" Donald?

  4. Do some articles on Paul Nehlan, Kelli Ward and Omar Navarro. Get their names out there. We have to chip away at the RINO's

  5. Anonymous said...
    And there will be a lot more Democrats in the US Congress then!

    Can you say "impeachment" Donald?

    September 11, 2017 at 3:13 PM

    Is that you again Chuck Cook. You must live a boring life.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    And there will be a lot more Democrats in the US Congress then!

    Can you say "impeachment" Donald?

    September 11, 2017 at 3:13 PM

    Can you say "impeachment" Bill Clinton?

  7. I hope many democrats are as frustrated with their congressmen as republicans are. It would be historic if America cleans house in the next election, and votes out incumbents on both sides of the isle. Democrats don't have to change parties to do that. They just have to put in new blood in the primaries. But democrats have a history of keeping the worst of the worst in office, regardless of wrongdoing or corruption. They are lock-step voters that can't / won't think for themselves (just like union workers). Republicans (free thinkers) are not as kind to many of their incumbents, and will kick them out in a primary, when the incumbents don't mold to the voters expectations.


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