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Monday, September 11, 2017

Steve Bannon: ‘Original Sin’ of Team Trump Was Embracing the Establishment

Former White House chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon says that the biggest mistake the Trump campaign made after winning the election was trusting the establishment to staff the populist president-elect’s administration.

“In the 48 hours after we won … you might call it the original sin of the administration. We embraced the establishment,” Bannon said during an interview with CBS News anchor Charlie Rose for 60 Minutes. “I mean, we totally embraced the establishment.”

He explained that he and Trump, his son-in-law Jared Kushner, and the rest of the family realized that they had to put together a government and let establishment Republicans into the administration.

“Our whole campaign was a little bit the island of misfit toys,” Bannon said.


1 comment:

  1. The Trump team really didn't have any other choice but try to work with the Republican establishment but the Republican establishment and the whole country are going to be the big losers, they should have all come together and the country would really thrive. I think the Republican establishment are all just like the Democrats, a bunch of crooked swamp rats that have been stealing our money for years and draining the swamp means they would be out of a job and a lot of them would be in jail.


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