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Monday, September 11, 2017

Hitler Was Living in Argentina in the 1950s

Declassified CIA Docs Say Hitler Was Alive and Well in Argentina in the 1950s

Declassified CIA files show that in 1955, an informant boasted about meeting with Adolf Hitler in Colombia, and provided pictures of himself with the Fuhrer – over 10 years after the Fuhrer’s suicide.

Declassified files show that in 1955, the CIA’s Western Hemisphere Division (WHD) chief received a secret memo, boasting a subject line that no doubt caused him to jump up from his chair, and spew any liquid in his mouth across the room — “Operational: Adolf Hitler.”

As the shocking title implies, the acting station chief in Venezuela claimed to have received a once in a lifetime tip from one of his contacts — a decade after his apparent death by suicide in the Fuhrerbunker, Hitler was in fact very much alive, and living in Argentina.

Hitler Oder Nicht?

In brief, one of the action station chief’s informants, CIMELODY, was contacted by a trusted friend, former SS trooper Phillip Citroen, who claimed to have been in touch with Hitler — masquerading under the pseudonym Adolph Schuttlemayer — about once a month in Colombia, while there on a trip from Maracaibo as an employee of the Royal Dutch Shipping Company.



  1. It's true, and while there he had a daughter, and he named her........HILLARY!!!

  2. Truth eventually always comes out. Hunting Hitler documentary covered all this

  3. Why would somebody in hiding reveal who he was?

  4. He was sharing a bachelor pad with Elvis and Jimmy Hoffa while he was there.

  5. Old news.

    More important part of the equation is Adolph Hitler's connections to London Bankers and Freemasonry.
    The bankers funded both sides of WWII

  6. Hitler was extremely sick at the end of the war... Parkinsons, drug addiction.. he would have died shortly after war if this is even true.. which I doubt

    1. You and I get that but the basement dwellers need something to cling to.

  7. That's were the rest of the Nazi's went so it's not far fetched.

  8. Anonymous said...
    It's true, and while there he had a daughter, and he named her........HILLARY!!!

    September 11, 2017 at 12:55 PM


    And a son named Chuck Cook.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Old news.

    More important part of the equation is Adolph Hitler's connections to London Bankers and Freemasonry.
    The bankers funded both sides of WWII

    September 11, 2017 at 3:26 PM

    Oh don't forget the Russian Collusion with Trump's father and Hitler.

  10. One paid informant claims to meet Hitler in Columbia, without any corroboration by anyone else? I wonder how much he was paid for that tidbit? I don't think that is any evidence that Hitler didn't die in his bunker in Germany.

  11. He WILL Die someday .....he can't escape that !!!!!


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