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Sunday, August 13, 2017

WHAT??? Did WBOC & The Boy Mayor Just Finally Say "Tornado Damages"

Salisbury, MD- A tornado hit Salisbury, MD., Monday afternoon and caused a lot of damage. The tornado flipped cars over, damaged buildings, and even destroyed trees.

A tree located in a median fence on South Salisbury Boulevard is now torn a part. Workers spent their early Tuesday morning hours, picking up parts from a tree that was torn a part on South Salisbury Boulevard.

Mayor Jake Day says Salisbury was prepared for the tornado and has cleanup efforts underway.


  1. DUGH !! The News Leader !!!

  2. Was prepared? They were so prepared they forgot to blow the sirens.

    1. Why do people keep commenting about the sirens. I live in Fruitland and the siren went off for the long blast sound for emergency not like when the fire company has a call. I found out today the two new firehouse one on cypress st and one on Baylor street that the city did not put sirens in. Maybe now they will install them.

    2. Hard to sound the alarm, when there is no alarm to sound.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I'm glad you were right and yes it was obvious to all of us from your videos and pictures that it was a Tornado, but after hearing from some people in other States that are used to this. No Official News Agency can Declare a Tornado until the National Weather office declares it. Now that still doesn't explain why in the he!! the alarms or siren warnings did not go off until after?? I agree someone needs to be replaced in that department.

    1. They have to be notified of a tornado first. And when it was spotted on the south side and they were notified the sirens did go off on the south side.

    2. National Weather has dropped the ball several times for this area.

  5. Although we all knew what it was,they had to await official word from federal authorities.

  6. I'll give them a B- for the initial response, mostly because of how they were caught a bit unawares because of the bad weather forecasts and how many places they had to be at once, and an A- for the cleanup speed. I hope that they learned something useful from this baby tornado.


  8. Let's assume the sirens went off like they are supposed to. Do you really think most people would have known why? Or what to do if they heard them? I bet most would have thought it was a fire or ambulance call or a signal for a meeting.

  9. I'm not a huge fan of the local TV stations but NOAH does make the final analysis and decision as the whether or not the apparent tornado meets the criteria of an actual tornado.
    It may look and sound like a tornado but a weather man doesn't make that determination. He/she will announce the findings of NOAH regarding what is or isn't a tornado.
    Fair & Balanced is what we all want.

  10. get off of Dan. he had nothing to do with this either before or after!
    It's not his fault.

  11. The sirens sounding is a warning that people should check radio and TV to find out more information. Problem is, no TV or radio stations had a clue until it was over. So much for public service.

  12. I have a college degree so I am smarter than you. We know what is best for you, and you better listen to us! The rest of the viewers are what Hilary called incorrigible. We know what you saw and photographed, but we lack common sense, and we know what is best for you!
    This arrogant a hole needs to go!
    A disservice to the community and cannot be trusted.

  13. 11:52 PM, If sirens would have gone off and nobody knew what the heck they meant, then city hall/fire department or whomever, is not doing their job of keeping the community informed. There should absolutely be a different alarm sound of an impending storm than a fire anyway.

  14. DAY late and a dollar short !

  15. Washington DC TV stations were out/about the shore last night - hence the need for local officials and TV stations to change their story.

  16. I didn't realize we had so many weather persons in Salisbury

  17. They can't tell us what will happen tomorrow, yet they can tell us what temps were 1200 years ago. In fact they really can't give an accurate temperature on a glass of water and any given point in time(relatively speaking of course).


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