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Sunday, August 13, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Somerset County Health Department

Hi Joe,

Thought you would like to know there are apparently multiple investigations taking place into the Somerset County Health Department.

The Inspector General's Office has reportedly been investigating financial irregularities and competencies at the health department, including whether the administrator is even qualified to do her job.

The health officer is being investigated for harassment and intimidation of employees. Investigators from the equal opportunity office from the state were down to interview multiple employees about a week ago.

Complaints have been filed by multiple employees about issues with the health officer, the health department hiring practices, and even the safety of its vehicles.

Certainly seems like something is going on down there. May be worth looking into.


  1. Probably got the job just to not approve any permits to stop development.

  2. Hope they come to Wicomico DSS next.

  3. They are all just a bunch of morons. They try to make life miserable for everyone trying to get a permit to do anything.

  4. That's why good employees don't stay there long.

  5. They definitely need to visit Wicomico DSS, definitely!!

    1. What Health Officer & DSS/DHR Director doesn't intimidate their employees? I think it must be in the job description.

  6. Hope they take this farther and investigate the corrupt activities of the planning & zoning commissions.

  7. The place has a ton of issues. The morale is horrible. Nobody stays except the people that absolutely have to. The Health Officer talks bad about everyone there behind their backs and has no interest in serving the Somerset County community. It's a real shame.

    1. Poor employee morale and unethical. How can you serve the community for the better good and the two main people that make decisions both whom are being investigated you can't trust. Something is definitely not right bet on that. The health department is not being investigated for nothing, especially when the inspector general comes down.

  8. @ 8:37 & 9:52 you are absolutely correct on that one!

  9. Spot on 8:31 a.m. I hear it's not just talking bad about people... Hope the county or state or somebody digs into this.

  10. The head Guy Craig is a complete liar. The investigators will find out all his lies. Time to retire Craig!
    They need to start In the transportation dept.

  11. Just the health dept? The whole damn county is corrupt.

  12. Not to mention that they ignore the nastiness in many establishments in Crisfield. There is no reason why these places should pass the health inspection. I guess money talks.

  13. How about the way the health officer talks about women? What they look like, what they wear. Never about what kind of work they do.

  14. Yes, 7:01 I heard awhile back that clients were being mistreated by their transportation drivers. But it doesn't seem like anything was ever done about it.

  15. Where there's smoke there's fire

    1. There should be some "firing."

  16. The administrator handles finances and multiple accounts. Sounds like financial irregularities and competencies might point to whomever she is. In many cases this catches up and once pointed out the inspector will dig until they find the cause. It's amazing folks think their so high up in position that thierlies and dishonesty won't catch up. Well this will be interesting, and yes sounds like the health department might have openings soon...

    1. Yeah, I hear she was a secretary and then suddenly got promoted to administrator and is charge of all of the finances for the health department. She must have figured out the secret to getting promoted down there.

  17. Nepotism, good ole boy system, Somerset wants thier county to fail. They do nothing down here but hire family and friends, line thier pockets and get retirement plans. And make no significant change to help stimulate the economy. They want no outsiders yet they seem to attract the scumbags from UMES and ECI who are not what the county needs to make it suceed.We have waterfront property on the bay and decent people who have moved here, leave because of the ignorant locals and no jobs! Enough said.

  18. Thank You @Jeanine Huntington, your comment is spot on. The entire Somerset County is corrupt. Too many people who sit in the offices with complaints from residents and do nothing to correct them. I wouldn't be shocked if they DON'T do anything about the Health Officer if he/she is corrupt, that's just how Somerset County is, from the courts to the city or town hall. All is corrupt, the whole damn Somerset County needs to be investigated! Point Blank!


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