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Sunday, August 13, 2017

WBOC's Dan Satterfield Said We Can Expect A Quarter Inch Yesterday and an Inch Of Rain Today 8-12-17

Just look out your window today and tell me, does what you are seeing look like an inch of rain? There's more flooding on the Eastern Shore then we've seen in a very long time. Even more flooding then we experienced with the tornado last week. 

The Wicomico Landfill is closed today. The rain meter there goes up to 5.5 inches and has been overflowing for several hours. Just how many times is WBOC going to use the excuse, we live in a unique area. 

Stay home today Folks. the roads in most areas are not passable and are on the brink of washing out in many areas throughout Wicomico County. 


  1. What's AMAZING is the FACT that WBOC all morning has NOTHING about the flooding. nor are they expressing how much rain we've had overnight.

    A quality station would have crews out all morning with LIVE coverage of the massive flooding in the County. They screwed the pooch AGAIN. This is unbelievable.

    Did any of you see the piece on the sirens not going off during the tornado? They explained how the one in Fruitland did go off but what about where it touched down in Salisbury. They tried to confuse people by showing Fruitland but didn't call out Salisbury for failing to go off. Then the tried to confuse their viewers by claiming the public wouldn't know what that warning siren would sound like anyway.

    Emergency Services need to stop ALL sirens from going off at fire departments and only use them for emergencies, period. ALL firefighters have very expensive pagers that go off whenever they are needed. Sounding off those blasting sirens is only LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME.

  2. What are you talking about Joe? Dan specifically told me that today would be Partly Sunny - highs in the mid 80's. I BELIEVE him!!!!

    (super sarcasm OFF as I float away)

  3. NOAA national weather service. Far more accurate.

  4. My back yard is a pond, and I have water in my cellar and garage. I woke up at 3AM because the rain was so loud.

  5. I am so sick and tired of the old, scripted, "happy chatter" bs that WBOC continues to exhibit. They lose every decent reporter/anchor they ever had. No investigative reports, no local consumer reports, no hard questions. Pitiful. Do you notice whenever they want to get a word in from "the man on the street" they always pick a disheveled looking person with missing or rotten teeth who can barely speak English? I think that tactic is to show us how "superior" the reporter is. Satterfield needs to stop worrying about the lower shore of Virginia and let the Norfolk stations provide coverage for that and Philadelphia/Wilmington can cover Newcastle and Kent County. Stay with Chincoteague to Seaford and let the rest go. Damn, what a cheesy station.

  6. Joe, Since I have lived here on Mount Hermon Church Road I have never seen water standing like it is now. I will Try to send pictures.

  7. What a joke, a total embarrassment, would say more but have to go pump out my flooded basement. Dan said it would be like this-not.

  8. They will mention the flooding of today on Monday.

  9. Who is dumb enough to watch or believe local weather forecasts when you have all the information on the internet 24/7? Oh, never mind. Forgot where the the station's target audience lives.

  10. No but they covered the almost tornado for 45min last night well past midnight. Think they are trying to play makeup a little bit?? He did say the Easton area would expect to see this much rain, but of course nothing about the all unimportant Salisbury and surrounding areas.

    1. The local stations also didn't leave the area around cheers where the car was flipped. I guess they thought that would get clicks. The damage was far worse in the community across from Bennett but NO local stations showed up there. Channel 4 from DC and Channel 11 from Baltimore did cover it. Isn't that pathetic.

  11. He's got that Triple Stack Jack Crack Radar !!!!! But still wrong

  12. Call out that 'AIR SUPERIOR-ORITY DRONE TEAM " !!!!


  13. WBOC only sends its peeps out to collect pet food or backpacks; then they saturate the peninsula North and South. (Pets and school supplies are worthy of concern, but realistically it's all tied to a commercial sponsor looking for non-controversial events to push).

  14. When will people get a clue that Dan doesn't have any clue about weather reporting? His triple doppler is a triple bust and isn't worth the time it takes to watch his broadcast. He's seldom right so why bother? Even a busted watch is right twice a day but the other 23 hours and 59 minutes it's just wrong.

    1. Dan Satterfeild, McDonald's is looking for help , nevermind I'm shure you would screw up a 6 price chicken nuggets order!

  15. I have an inch in my basement. Is that where he meant?

    1. Sorry about your luck but that's funny.

  16. Maybe it's time to invest in the Super Quadruple Extra Doppler Radar at WBOC.
    Or maybe just go to Weather Underground's site and look at their Wondermap radar, where you don't need an advanced degree to guess what's next.


  18. He said it would rain and it did, quit complaining. Tired of the weather people bashed because not always 100 % correct. It is a prediction people, not a guarantee!

  19. 12:32, watch the advertisement for their drone team next time and watch the one on the far left. Why is that fool walking like that? Swinging his arms in time with his legs. And why the so serious looks from all of them?


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