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Monday, August 21, 2017

Virginia Gov. McAuliffe Issues Executive Order That Violates First Amendment

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe signed an executive order late Friday halting demonstrations at Lee Monument in Richmond for the next 90 days. That order violates the First Amendment.

“In spite of weeks of preparation, the city of Charlottesville was the target of an act of domestic terrorism that cost one woman her life, and had a helicopter accident lead to the deaths of two state troopers,” McAuliffe said in a statement that accompanied the executive order:

"In the aftermath of this tragedy, several groups have requested permits to hold similar-styled events at the Lee Monument in Richmond. State and local officials need to get ahead of this problem, so that we have the proper legal protections in place to allow for peaceful demonstrations, but without putting citizens and property at risk. Let me be clear, this executive order has nothing to do with infringing upon first amendment rights. This is a temporary suspension, issued with the singular purpose of creating fail-safe regulations to preserve the health and well-being of our citizens and ensuring that nothing like what occurred in Charlottesville happens again."

The statement added this:


  1. He's the one that ordered the police stand down and he gets a pass from the complicit media. Now he's testing how far he can push his unconstitutional orders...These Communist's never stop they just slowly keep trying to erode our freedoms.

  2. I think McAuliff is a worm and he screwed up by not protecting demonstrators Charolottesville but I tend to agree with him on this,everybody needs to stand back and let things cool off. Of course that should mean putting a halt to any more statues being removed.

  3. 8:40 What is sad about that statement is that not only is it true, becasue it is!!!! However, you people keep voting these bums in power, and when they do stuff like this, you allow them to stay in power to keep on doing what they were to begin with, then what is even more sad is not only do you allow them, but you complain after you allow them to do it!!!!!

    Ask any married or dating man, do you get things done by nagging or complaining????? Or does it make it worse???

    1. 9:55 What is this "you people keep voting" BS?
      Do you vote 9:55?

  4. His intent is not for "safety".

    Who does this pompous and stupid politician thinks he is, "temporarily suspending" (?!) the rights of "we, the people" by some proclamation?? According to him, anytime HE thinks we are using our rights too much, or not in line with HIS beliefs or thinking, HE can "suspend" them. What's next, Heinrich? Shut down newspapers that are causing you some problems??? You idiot!
    Some needs to school that boy.

  5. VA proper did not vote McAuliffe in, the population hubs of Northern VA and Norfolk did. The rest of the state voted republican - look it up!

  6. 8:40,

    McAuliffe is a Soros - Clinton agent, as is the Charlottesville Mayor. The police were not only ordered to stand down, they funneled the two opposing sides together to foment violence. The left wants to stoke racial tensions to fire up their base.

  7. Anyone with any common sense knows this was a set up from the get go. Bussing in Antifa. Then making one group walk through another group to go away. They knew what they were doing.


  8. ACLU, call your office.

    Thought lawyer McAuliffe swore to uphold the Constitution when he carpetbagged into office.

    Nation of laws?


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