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Monday, August 21, 2017

James Woods on Twitter

Dear Mr. President, no Republican will ever win against the press.
So disengage. Be judged by your actions; let them argue with themselves.



  1. Good advise I hope he listens.

  2. Trump can take any and all abuse , get real!

  3. 8:52 AM, true, however, I really wish Mr. President would let them argue with themselves.

  4. Our president works harder than most of us....let him have a little fun. The man doesn't smoke dope or drink. He gets a rush stepping on these turds. Go for it Mr.President!

  5. 8:25 I hope so too, but the reality is he feeds off of it. He's given a folder every day with positive headlines involving himself in it. When they brief him they purposefully include his name as much as possible because they found he is more likely to stay engaged for longer. The sad reality is that he loves the attention, he thrives off of it. Hopefully he will be able to spend more time fixing what's wrong and less time engaging in twitter wars.

  6. Slowly our President is coming around, leading the USA in the correct direction, all the while beginning to leave LAME stream media in the dust.

  7. Woods is right as usual.

    In most case, the President needs to make his statement and then get on with other business. The press is going to attempt to spin anything he says to fit their narrative. These twitter type wars are a petty waste of Trump's time.

    Take Charlottesville for example, Trump firmly denounced racism and bigotry in his initial statement on the Saturday it occurred. The President was correct in his assessment that there were violent factions spoiling for a fight on both sides. By dragging the fight out, the press was able to cast Trump in a negative light longer.

    On the following Monday, he was supposed to be taking questions about the infrastructure meetings that were taking place that day. Instead, he got into a combative exchange with the press over Charlottesville. In doing so, he let the press continue to focus on Charlottesville and control the news cycle. Imagine if he had responded to the first question by saying something like:

    "We now know that the individual who drove the car into the crowd killing one and injuring many identified as a white supremacist. I stand by my initial statement on Saturday firmly denouncing this sort of racism and bigotry. Today we are here to talk about rebuilding America's infrastructure. I will not be taking any more questions about Charlottesville".

    If the press refuses to abide by Mr. Trump's rule by only asking Charlottesville questions, he should end the press conference. That would be winning.

  8. if he "went off grid" for a week they would be beside themselves


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