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Monday, August 21, 2017

Italian tourist gets lost, then shot, on Staten Island

An Italian tourist was shot in broad daylight Sunday in Staten Island when he got lost and wandered down the wrong street after taking the ferry over from Manhattan, police sources said.

Marino Stocco, 57, found himself in the New Brighton neighborhood, over a mile away, at around 1 p.m., according to the sources.

Stocco was at Jersey Street and Crescent Avenue when the gunman approached and asked him something.

When the tourist ran away, the shooter fired at him, grazing his shoulder. The gunman fled toward Cleveland Street.

Stocco was taken to Richmond University Medical Center in stable condition, officials said.

An 83-year-old woman who lives nearby said she heard the shots.


1 comment:

  1. Reminder to self - stay away from NYC, to include during the daylight hours!



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