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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Statement Of The Week

"Black people that were never slaves, are fighting white people that were never Nazis, over a confederate statue erected by democrats, because democrats can't stand their own history anymore and somehow, it's Trumps fault?"
Author Unknown


  1. So true. Now they want reparations for the suffering. They need to sue the Africans who sold their ancestors.

  2. The media creates the reality that we live in...It's funny how when you turn off the TV racism goes away.

    1. 2:09 it's funny how when you turn off the TV racism goes away.
      Very well said!

  3. 2:03, just as the KKK doesn't speak for all conservatives the people calling for reparations don't represent all liberals or blacks. The media is playing both sides against each other. Don't buy into it.

  4. Where are all the local history teachers? Do they understand there is a responsibility here. I hope this coming year they make things very clear to students.

  5. Ain't that the TRUTH!!!!!!!

  6. Blacks Never suffered Affirmative Action Laws either LIKE
    the Whites have and are still doing ( for many years )

    How would they LIKE it if the Affirmative Action laws were
    for Whites and against them .......Think Not !!!!!!

  7. Can't say it any better than that, except, all these politicians that are backing the removal of the confederate statutes are only worried about getting re-elected..

  8. Hell everything is Trump's fault, everybody knows that. If it rains it's Trump's fault, if it doesn't rain it's Trump's fault.


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