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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

SPD Interactive Briefing August 22, 2017


  1. What a joke. People they are pulling the wool over your eyes.

  2. Unbelievable. Put it on the homeowner for not locking it down. The city is riddled with crime.

  3. That puts the icing on the cake , we the victims are the guilty ones , can't even walk down the streets of the bury. How about rapes or did you forget about them , of course they aren't important.

  4. we encourage you to contact the police - why? so you can write a report and do nothing? funny how the illegal bike issue wasn't an important enough topic to discuss, but taking a tour of SU was.

  5. omg this guy is boring as hell and I'm not close to halfway done yet

  6. oh my gosh, I can't take it. Unless a bicycle costs $1,000 who cares besides the owner. Common sense would let people know to lock ur stuff up. Are they that dumb in that neighborhood? A specially trained officer to conduct a security eval on your property? OOk. Doesn't everyone feel safer now?

    Sorry if I sound negative but this "briefing" does not instill any confidence in me regarding these "leaders". And what, two questions? Was the room empty? Only a couple of close friends?

    After watching this I can understand better why crime is through the roof in smallsbury. Lord help you people.

  7. Thank you for advising of the question or repeating it before answering it.

  8. salisbury gets what it deserves! nothing but lowlifes and thugs! way to go salisbury!

  9. 1:50 NO one gives a crap about someone on a dirt bike, the only reason why you people and the cops and the govt actually care about it, has nothing to do with safety... Cars speed and weave in an out of traffic just as much, no mention of that though right??? NO lets talk about dirt bikes becasue you all are mad they are not paying the piper... With a license or tags or taxes... That is it, nothing less and nothing more...

    I love how you all try to use safety as your backbone for everything, when there is so many unsafe things going on and are happening around SBY...

    Furthermore, I rather see someone not paying taxes, not having a tag or license on a dirt bike, than someone being raped or shot, robbed or even have the cops harass or abuse you...


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