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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Former Obama Official Says Taking Down Confederate Monuments Is 'A Matter of Homeland Security'

On Sunday, Jeh Johnson, former secretary of Homeland Security under President Obama, said that removing Confederate monuments is a matter of homeland security.

"That's not a matter of political correctness, that's a matter of public safety and homeland security, and doing what's right," Johnson told ABC News in an interview.

"What alarms so many of us, from a security perspective, is that so many of the statues — the Confederate monuments — are now, modern day, becoming symbols and rallying points for white nationalism, for neo-Nazis, for the KKK," the former DHS secretary explained.

"We fought a World War against Nazism. The KKK rained terror on African-Americans for generations," Johnson said. "I support those in cities and states who are taking down a lot of these monuments for reasons of public safety and security."



  1. All this does is increase the possibility of dividing the nation further into a radical decline in unity. Push the nation closer to more violence and the potential of civil unrest.

  2. I support the laws that hold you to uphold the laws protecting these monuments. That includes charging the obvious self incriminated politicians involved in there destruction and or removal. Clearly your derelict of duty can easily be seen not just concerned with the white collar criminals whom use cranes and hoist in the dark of night, but also neglecting to arrest the violent offenders as well.
    Remove the statues for public safety? Will we also close down the highways to protect the public as well? Please tell me these are brainwashed individuals with these high security positions...and not pure ignorant fools.

  3. I would like getting rid of liberal a holes like Jeh Johnson would also be a matter of "Homeland Security"!

  4. Closing mosques in America would do far more good for improving our homeland security
    than removing a few old statues about war that was mainly about states's rights!

  5. Considering what this turd and his turd boss did to the security of this country, they both should STFU and quit wasting oxygen!

    People like this are creating racism in whites where it previously did not exist!


  6. KKK (a Democrat hang-out across the years) is tiny. Neo-Nazi sympathizers or aspirants are tiny. That has been the case for an extended period of time. Under the Constitution they have to right to speak, gather and advocate. I have no recollection of them rallying around statues or monuments as a way to gin up enthusiasm or attract new members.

    What we have seen is a response to Democrat plans to scrub history by removing and destroying a variety of old statues and monuments. Ironically, a great many were approved and installed by Democrats or in Democrat run cities, etc. So the original shame, if any, belongs to the Democrats who chose the sites and honorees.

    Now to Antifa. It is clear by now they are bought and paid for Rent-A-Thugs. Whether disrupting conservative speakers at college campuses nation-wide, camping out and trashing Wall St. parks and buildings, or showing a sudden interest in old statues, someone or some groups are coordinating these actions, paying to move these thugs around, make sure they don't starve, equip them with similar garments and house them.

    At Berkley, Middlebury and Charlottesville the authorities enabled them by failing to protect speakers and protesters with a permit from the Antifa mob. A century ago we were faced with anarchists and it took firm action by elected officials to restore public safety. Antifa are just anarchists under a different tag line.

    When they break the law and injure people or destroy property they need to face the real consequences of arrest, charges, high bail due to premeditated nature of offenses, trial, conviction and jail. No plea bargains. They are intent upon sedition and we need to deal swiftly with them and their officeholder enablers.

  7. Take down the mosques and all black statues. They are a bigger threat to public safety

  8. stupid is as stupid does. shame on them. oh forgive me they have no shame. they are so afraid of losing their pay check they will say anything. BUT WE the People see what they are. They will reap what they are doing and are to stupid to know this. (map)

  9. Take down MLK then too..................
    He took away White's Rights ( Affirmative Action )


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