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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

ObamaCare Is Dumping Millions of Middle Class to Insure More Poor

Barack Obama and the Democrats’ “Affordable” Care Act was never really about making the cost of health care more affordable. It was never about giving Americans greater access to health care. ObamaCare was always a scheme designed to give the government greater power to control and redistribute Americans’ wealth, essentially taking from the middle class to give it the poor — and to insurance companies.

While Democrats like to point to the increasing numbers of individuals receiving ObamaCare’s subsidized insurance coverage, they are ignoring a dirty little secret. The number of Americans with unsubsidized individual coverage has decreased precipitously. From March 2016 to March 2017, some 2.6 million fewer people had unsubsidized policies, an overall decrease of 15% in one year alone.

But the unsubsidized coverage bleed is not limited to the individual market..



  1. And Trump is actively encouraging the failure of many of those Americans only healthcare option. What does that say about him? Says to me he cares more about party divides than people. Still waiting on his simple solution to Obamacare!

  2. 4:24

    You are the epitome of whats wrong in this country.

  3. 4:24 - what did they have before Nancy's stool sample passed?! The same thing they'll have after the stool sample is flushed...and the taxpayers will be relieved of the excessive debt as well...

    Take another sip of Kool-Aid!

  4. 4:24 PM you are an idiot. He is not encouraging it he is acknowledging the fact that it is a failure, unlike the rest of the lying politicians.

  5. The Democrats wanted to keep Obamacare so more of them will have no healthcare soon and sooner.

  6. 4:24 You are beyond ignorant. And I'd be willing to bet you are one of "those" on Medicaid. You see thanks to your beloved Obama I can no longer afford health insurance. Yes that's right I go to work everyday and I still can't afford health insurance. I do have a question for you since you seem to know all about Obamacare. Why do you think most insurance companies in every state are dropping out of Obamacare?
    I'll tell you why...because it's a failure. You wouldn't know that because you are getting it free.

  7. It was ALL to Force the Hardworking Middle class Whites
    to Pay for the Blacks insurance >> Period

    And the Whites are NOT having it and Refusing it > and Riots
    will follow if it is Not THROWN OUT along with all it's
    MANDATES......Taking people's Tax refunds /Fining them /
    Affecting hour many hours they can work // ETC ETC

  8. Sell it at McDonald's Drive Thru !!!

  9. Get that with a Big Mac and fries !!!!

  10. Well, now, thanks to Obamacare, we have over 10,000 "Government Administrators"that never existed before to pay salaries to just to allow the government to "run" healthcare cashflow instead of letting the doctors and insurance companies do it. That's where your excessive costs come from, but hey, I'm just an idiot citizen. I am not allowed a brain. I must follow the Master's call...

    1. Keep

      Love this guy!

  11. The Damn Obama Care RUINED America > and take note that
    How Dangerous a time we live in ...when corrupt politicians
    (The Demon-crats) can Force such a thing on America...
    sneaking it through congress without even reading it.....
    Not 1 Republican voted for it .....and it was Rammed down
    America's throat .........sign by Racist president Obama !!!
    Where was our Constitutional Rights then ??????

  12. Better to have NO insurance than to have BAD insurance !!!
    Go back to the way it was BEFORE Obama Care !!!!!!
    NO Mandates !!!!!!!


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