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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Somerset States Attorney Dan Powell is Gov Hogans pick for circuit court judge

Governor Larry Hogan Announces Judicial AppointmentFills Vacancy on the Somerset County Circuit Court
ANNAPOLIS, MD - Governor Larry Hogan today announced the appointment of Daniel Powell to the Somerset County Circuit Court. The governor made the appointment after reviewing submissions from the Judicial Nominating Commission for Somerset County.
“After conducting a thorough vetting process, I am confident that Mr. Powell is the most qualified candidate to fill this vacancy,” said Governor Hogan. “His wealth of legal knowledge has prepared him to serve with distinction and to be a strong advocate for justice for the people of Somerset County.”
Daniel Powell is currently serving as the State’s Attorney for Somerset County; he has held this position since 2011. Prior to his current position, he was a prosecutor for most of his career, spent three years in private practice as a civil litigator, and served three years as the County Administrator for the Board of County Commissioners for Somerset County. Mr. Powell received his bachelor’s degree from Salisbury University and his J.D. from the University of Baltimore School of Law.


  1. Look at that... Salisbury news on the story before any of the "real" news outlets...how do you get this stuff before WBOC, WMDT, WRDE, Daily Times etc? Keep it up!

  2. The good ole boys have control!!!!

  3. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The good ole boys have control!!!!

    August 16, 2017 at 4:01 PM

    Yes sir, bring in all their friends and yes men. Maryland is corrupt to the core.

  4. Congratulations Dan Powell. Many thanks to Governor Hogan for a great choice. I'm sure he will continue to serve Somerset County with honor and distinction.

  5. Who is the current SA now?

  6. A choice from the second string, since Paula Price turned it down. If this is the "most qualified candidate" I would hate to see the least qualified.

  7. word on the street is Judge Long is not real happy about this.

  8. I heard George Nelson got overtime when Dan was sworn in?

  9. Dan is the best man for the job. Who cares what Danny Long thinks!

  10. Hope Kristy Hickman doesn't get any ideas about running for states attorney again.

    1. I would seriously doubt it. Noway she would take the pay cut. She is partners in already established million dollar law firm.

  11. Dan Powell is the best pick for this job. He will be fair and a great judge.

  12. too much dirt on Hickman, she is all washed up

  13. I agree 8:44, that is why she became a defense lawyer, a lot of defense lawyers have low standards in my opinion. She now defends the same class of people that she used to put in jail. That indicates one does not have any core beliefs, again in my opinion.

  14. Good old Dan " Stet Docket" Powell. Now all the thugs will be happy! I know that the police chiefs in Crisfield and Princess Anne are sick of him going easy on these gang affiliated hoodrats!


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