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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Illegal immigrant accused of raping a child ‘thousands of times’

According to authorities, Victor Francisco Michel-Lara, an illegal immigrant who returned to the United States after being deported, is accused of raping a 7-year-old girl. The defendant stands accused of assaulting the child “thousands of times.”

Michel-Lara’s arrest report indicates the 32-year-old resident of Cedar City, Utah, faces two first-degree felony charges of rape of a child. He was arrested Sunday and has since been placed on an immigration detainer.

A probable cause statement, filed in the 5th District Court Monday, says the alleged victim reported Michel-Lara had molested her “many times,” and had raped her thousands of times, over the last six months.



  1. You see its these type of criminals that we need to stop wasting resources on. It would be best if this scum was removed from the planet at once or find they him in a ditch. If it was my kid...they would never find him

  2. The Hitler scene in Little Nicky sounds about right. Every 20 minutes.

    1. 8:13
      The bigger the better!

  3. Castration is right!!!! But should the child have to put up with the terror of facing him ever again....NO!!! Kick him out of the country for real this time.

  4. Kick him out of the country minus the family jewels.

  5. This is what you bleeding heart liberals want to allow to stay in this country, right?

  6. Filthy pig should be executed..not really punishing criminals is why they commit crimes. Ever since the death penalty was diminished crime has s skyrocketed. He needs to be put down.


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