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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Navy Does Not Rule Out Intentional Act in Latest Warship Collision

The Navy has not ruled out an intentional action behind the latest deadly collision between a Navy destroyer and a merchant ship, the chief of naval operations told reporters Monday.

"That's is certainly something we are giving full consideration to but we have no indication that that's the case—yet," Adm. John Richardson, the CNO, said at the Pentagon.

"But we're looking at every possibility, so we're not leaving anything to chance," he said.

Asked if that includes the possibility the electronic defenses on the guided missile destroyer USS John S. McCain were hacked in a cyber attack, Richardson said investigators will look into all possible causes.

"We'll take a look at all of that, as we did with the Fitzgerald," the four-star admiral said, referring to another Navy warship collision with a merchant ship in June near Japan.



  1. BS you know it and I know it , obama lovin SB's

  2. Operator error!! Nothing else! Our armed forces are lazy, thanks to obammie. He's installed the biggest bunch of losers to run the military, and, they are doing exactly what he wanted.

  3. I have been saying that since the first crackup.

  4. Probably a false flag event run out of Langley.

    Just like Charlottesville.

  5. Probably asleep at the bridge.

  6. Needs to be looked into .......they Hit our ship !!!!


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